Chapter Seven: Return the Slab

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I'm cowboyalchemist on Discord. Due to a new policy on the server, I had to change my username. Come on over if you want to chat and talk about ideas. If you want an invite to join my Discord server, you only have to ask me.

This is where we move from being rated as T to being rated as M.


In the early hours of the morning, the night still had total reign over the Scandinavian countryside. Although the lights of the city of Torlberg are brightly lit in the center, most of its residents were fast asleep. In his apartment room, Thomas Pines was fast asleep in his bed. Excited for what lies ahead for him when the sun comes up. After all, he was going to be taking the woman of his dreams on a date, and he wanted all the sleep he could get. A sentiment his upstairs neighbor and his date, Johanna, shared.

But outside, something else was going down. Something that would change their plans for the day.

Outside the vast wall that cut the city off from the trolls and monsters of the outside world, on a vast, long stretch of road leading to Trolberg, a set of headlights coming towards it. The car that the headlights belonged to sped up at alarming speeds.

Not too far behind, a helicopter was in the air, shining a searchlight that followed behind the car about a quarter of a mile away. This meant that whoever was in the car was on the run from the law, and it was right behind them.

Inside the car, there were three people. All three were men of varying sizes. The skinniest one in the passenger seat was looking behind, seeing just how far the helicopter was behind them, while his partner, the shortest one, was manning the wheel.

The most average-looking person in the vehicle was in the backseat. He was a clean-shaven Caucasian man of middle age with blonde hair and a mustache.

His name was Anders, and he was currently regretting his life choices.

"Faster!" The skinny man told the driver. "Drive faster, you fool! If they catch us with it, we're done for!"

The driver pressed down on the petal, and the car accelerated. However, neither of them realized that in the middle of the road, they were coming up on a T-junction, and the sign to warn them was no longer there. No thanks to a troll that had pulled it out and was now chewing on it.

As the headlights were seen by the beast, the troll dropped the sign and scampered away. Leaving the criminals unaware of the T until it was a few meters away and closing in front of their headlights. The driver saw it and slammed his foot on the brakes. The car came screeching as it tried to come to a halt.

Thankfully, it did before it was too late.

"Wait, what's going on?" Anders asked, as the driver and the passenger unbuckled and got out of the vehicle. "What are you doing?"

He started to become nervous as the door to his right opened.

"Get out!" The short guy said, pulling Anders out of the vehicle. The taller man stumbled a bit before pulling himself back to his feet. "This is as far as we're going to take you. We didn't sign up for this. You're walking the rest of the way."

"What!?" Anders exclaimed in shock, as the skinny crook pulled his backpack out of the trunk and threw it on the asphalt. "Be careful with that! The deal was that you get me to Trolberg. Our contract was clear."

The two getaway drivers got back in the vehicle together as the driver rolled down his window. "Yeah, it was," he said with a mischievous smile as he pulled out his phone, showing the massive amount of money that was deposited into his and his partner's bank account. "Our job was to get you to Trolberg. It never said anything about getting you inside the city."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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