Chapter Four:The Sparrow Scouts

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I'm cowboyalchemist on Discord. Come on over if you want to chat and talk about ideas. If you want an invite to join my discord server, you only have to ask me.

Today was a big day for Hilda, and Thomas and Johanna were both acting like they were excited parents. The young mother fit the role more than the redhead as she, quite literally, was Hilda's only parent. The only parent she knew about least. However, Thomas was just as enthusiastic about the blue-haired girl becoming part of the Sparrow Scouts. So much so that he was helping her with fastening her scarf.

"And there we go!" Thomas said, pulling his hands away from Hilda and backing away to admire the young girl in her uniform.

Dressed in the Sparrow Scouts uniform, Hilda had on a yellow shirt/jersey with a brown rhombus-shaped emblem on the left chest. A red scarf fastened with a white toggle was wrapped around her neck. Hilda also wore the girl's uniform brown skirt while wearing her black leggings.

"It's a little itchy," Hilda said, itching herself for the uncomfortable feeling of being in a uniform that felt rough against her skin.

"You get used to it." Thomas brushed it off. Hilda looked so adorable in the uniform; he felt like a proud dad to see her join the same organization he was in when he was a kid. "Come on, let's show your mom."

Thomas walked out of the room with Hilda following him as she gave her arm a little scratch. Together, the pair walked into Hilda's living room to find Johanna with her jacket on and purse strapped around her shoulder, looking at Twig with a grumpy expression as the deer fox was sleeping on a pile of dried clothes she'd thrown into a basket to fold later. Loving the feeling of warm clothes, Twig took it upon himself to make it his bed for however long it remained warm.

"You know that I have to fold those, right?" Johanna inquired as she folded her arms and looked at her daughter's pet with a raised eyebrow.

Twig grumbled and snuggled into the clothes.

Thomas stiffened his laughter and cleared his throat. Hearing him, Johanna turned around and smiled seeing him. Her heart inexplicably swelled with happiness as she looked at her friend. A phenomenon that has been happening more frequently than previously known to the mother. "Oh! Thomas, there you are," she said, her cheeks fluttering as she tried to understand what was happening to her with herself. However, the absence of her daughter got her attention. "Where's Hilda?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked, madam," Thomas said, trying to act all suavely. Smiling as he saw Johanna blushing again and giggling. "Presenting the newest member of the Sparrow Scouts, Hilda Lindquist!"

Johanna couldn't resist forming a joyful smile when she laid her eyes on her daughter, who stepped out from behind the couch and presented herself with the uniform on. Hilda tugged on her collar to make sure it was loose enough.

"Oh, look at you~!" Johanna knelt down and pulled her daughter in for a hug.

"M-Mum! Not in front of Thomas," whined the young girl. However, she felt another pair of arms hug her and Johanna.

"There, now we all are in on the awkward hug," Thomas said.

"...not helping."

Both adults laughed and pulled away from Johanna's child as she placed her hands on Hilda's shoulders, looking at her with pride. "I'm sorry, but you just reminded me of myself when I was younger," she told her daughter. "I hope you like the Sparrow Scouts as much as I did."

Thomas stood up and pulled his truck keys out of his pocket. "Alright, are you ladies ready for the meeting," he said, swinging his keys around with his finger by the key ring.

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