Chapter Six: The Lost Clan

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Life had been treating Thomas great, especially after his first kiss with Johanna. A moment that had helped keep a smile on his face. One might think that the paranormal investigator would automatically go in and ask the woman of his dreams on a date. And while that was most definitely at the top of his list of things that needed to happen like yesterday, there was still one obstacle that needed to be overcome.

There was one person Thomas had to talk to. A special person who had the right to know what his intentions were.

After all, if Thomas wanted to date her mom, he wanted Hilda's blessing.

There was just one problem: Thomas didn't know how to ask Hilda. Despite being her friend for so long and being a father figure, Thomas was nervous about her reaction.

So, he enlisted the help of two friends.

"I don't know," Thomas said. "This just feels really weird."

"Come on, you can do it," Frida said.

"But what if she says no? I've known her for so long. I don't want to do anything that would hurt her or make her feel uncomfortable."

"That's why we're practicing with David," Frida said, placing a hand on David's shoulder. The three of them were standing outside of the apartment complex after Thomas picked them up and drove them over. Thomas then explained his intentions of finally asking out Johanna, but wanted Hilda's blessings. Leading to this awkward moment.

"Wait, what are we doing," David asked. Overhead. The clouds were beginning to roll over the sky.

"We're trying to help Thomas build some confidence," Frida said, pulling out the Sparrow Scout handbook. "According to the Sparrow Scout guide, practice builds confidence."

She closed the book and looked at her two male friends with an expectant smile. "Go on." She waved to Thomas.

Thinking that it couldn't get any weirder than it already was, and that it might help, Thomas took a deep breath and knelt down in front of David. "So, Hilda."

"Yes, Thomas," David asked in a girly voice.

"Don't make this weird."


Thomas tried again. "As you know, I've been a part of your and your mom's lives for a few months now. And during that time, you've started to notice some things about your mom and me, about how close we've become, about how we may look at one another and hold hands," he said. Thomas then took a pause, working out what he would say next. "The fact of the matter is that...I am in love with your mother. I think she's a wonderful woman and a fantastic mom to have raised such a daughter like you, and I want to be a part of her life and possibly more of your life. Now I know how strange this must be for you, and that's why I wanted to talk to you. Because...... I would like your permission to date your mother!"

"Filth!" The moment was cut by a cranky old woman who had walked by and witnessed the practice speech.

"It's not his mom I want to date!" Thomas yelled at her as she walked away in a huff. And then it started raining out of nowhere, pouring down on the group of three. He sighed and looked at the kids with a defeated look. "Let's just go upstairs."

Johanna was busy working on a difficult project, so Thomas didn't want to interrupt her. Instead, the young man and the three young kids took their meeting kitchen. There, Thomas, Hilda, and David stood together as Frida laid out the plan.

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