Chapter Three: Parade of The Great Raven

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I'm Cowboy Alchemist#4990 on Discord. Come on over if you want to chat and talk about ideas. If you want an invite to join my discord server, you only have to ask me.

The sun rose into the sky, bringing the light dawn upon the town of Trolberg. As the sun's rays covered the land, they reached the apartment building of a particular paranormal investigator.

Thomas was asleep in bed, enjoying a wonderful dream of ice cream. However, the peaceful dream was interrupted when the sun shone through the room's window. Groaning, he opened one eye. As his vision adjusted, he looked at the phone and saw it was 7:00. It was time to get up and start the day.

He quickly showered before getting dressed and walking into his living room. He grabbed his backpack and made his way to the door. Taking his hat off the coat hanger and putting it on, Thomas left his apartment.

Walking up the stairs to the next level, he approached the door and gave it a knock. "Coming!" said a voice from the room. A moment later, Johanna opened the door. "Thomas! Good morning."

"Good morning to you, too," he said, smiling. Johanna stepped aside and allowed him to step inside. "So, how's the new place treating you?"

It's been a week since the mother and Hilda moved into their new apartment. The morning after spending the night in Thomas's room, Johanna and the redhead went to the landlord to get approved to move in. At first, the mother was nervous. Having heard horror stories online from other women in her situation, Johanna feared that the man wouldn't allow a single mother with little to her name and her daughter to move in.

However, the brunette's worries were unfounded. The landlord allowed her to move into the top floor, much to Johanna's surprise and gratitude. With Thomas's help, she was able to get everything that could be saved from her grandfather's house into her family's new apartment. Using the money she's saved, Johanna bought new furniture and other items that were lost. This included kitchen wear, food, and supplies.

Johanna and Hilda set up their new home for the rest of the week. Thomas would come over whenever he had free time and help out. Johanna, always happy to see her friend, accepted his help, and the two worked together.

"Oh, it's lovely," she said, smiling. However, Johanna lost her smile as she thought about her daughter. "Though...I do wish Hilda would give the city a chance. She's been in her room for days now."

Thomas thought for a moment before smiling. "Well, let's see if we can't get her to come out," he said. While it did confuse the mother at first, Johanna followed Thomas as they both made their way to Hilda's room.

However, they heard something strange when they approached the blue-haired girl's room. At first, it sounded like rumbling. Then it sounded like rain hitting fabric and strong winds.

"Today was supposed to be sunny, right?" he asked his crush, wondering what Hilda was up to. Shrugging her shoulders, Johanna reached for the door handle. Slowly turning it, she opened the door and peeked inside.

To her and Thomas' surprise, Hilda had set up a tent in her room. Using her blanket, the girl hung up by some rope. Books were used to pin down the edges of the makeshift tent, and storm sounds came from inside.

The adults looked at one another. Together, they approached the tent. From the inside, they heard Twig's growl. "Something's coming," said Hilda. "Something dangerous. And I suspect it means to eat us—"

"OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!" Thomas shouted, throwing open the entrance of the tent. Hilda screamed in fright and tripped onto her back as Twig drove into the blankets to hide. "I'm a zombie, and I will malice you with a shoehorn!"

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