Chapter 68) Tunnel

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She's been walking for hours. Her back hurts. Her arms hurt. Judith seems to weigh more every second. Her legs are on fire. She can't breathe. She can't think.

She just walks. And walks. After some time, she stops and sits under a tree. Her bag sits next to her. She fumbles inside. She finds the jar of baby food. When her and Daryl found the stash, she took a handful of jars for Judy.

"What do you want, honey? Carrots? Squash? Strawberry-banana?" She whispers to the hungry baby.

Judith smiles at the last one. "Strawberry-banana? Good choice." She opens the jar and spoons a bite into Judith's mouth.

Once she's satisfied, Y/N closes the jar and puts it back in her bag. She stands up, shifting Judith to her opposite arm for now.

She thinks about Daryl. How she left him. She didn't have a choice. She thinks about that car. How it circled around. The white cross. Someone knew they were there. Someone was waiting for them. She shivers despite it being hot outside.

She hopes that Daryl got away. She hopes that he's safe. The walk seems to go on forever. No clear site of hope. Walking. Walking. Walking.

She finds the train tracks again. She follows them for miles. She spots something in the distance. A sign. She tries to walk to it as quick as she can. Her ankle is still hurting. Judith is asleep. Y/N reaches the sign and reads it.

It's a map. A sanctuary. Terminus. She considers it. Others must've found the signs. Others must've seen it. Daryl could be there. Michonne. Rick. Glenn. Everyone.

She studies it. She picks up her pace in the direction of the location. More walking.

Suddenly she stops. There's a car sitting on the tracks. She freezes as she realizes people are inside.

She quickly hides behind a tree and listens. The driver is a woman with black hair and a hat. In the passenger seat is a man with a mullet.

The voices are muffled and she gently covers Judiths mouth when suddenly she hears the word "Glenn."

Her heart drops to her stomach. She inches closer, still out of view of the arguing people in the vehicle.

Suddenly a man pops up from the backseat. He's a red headed man with a mustache. He starts to yell at the two in the front.

Y/N inches even closer to hear what they're saying when suddenly the mullet man, spots her. His eyes widen. "Guys."

The other two keep arguing. "Guys!"

They both swing around to him. "What?!" They shout simultaneously.

They suddenly stop when they see her.

Y/N knows it's too late to hide now. She grabs her sword from her back and steps out into the direct view.

She holds it defensively. Judith giggles at the sight of her face. The three get out of the car. The redhead man is tall. He's holding a gun. The man with the mullet looks nervous.

The woman shoots a glare at the man with the gun and he lowers it. She takes a step closer. Her face softens the tiniest bit. "Are you... Y/N?"

Y/N inhales sharply. Her sword is pointed at the three. "How the hell do you know that?"

"Glenn." She says.

Y/N lowers her sword slightly. "You- you've seen him?"

The tall man nods. "He was with us for a bit."

Y/N raises her sword again taking a step closer. "Well where is he now?"

The man with the mullet quivers slightly at the sight of Y/N. She's dirty. Her ankle is wrapped. She's cradling Judith in one arm. She looks a mess. If looks could kill, they'd all be dead. He slowly raises his finger and points further down the tracks. There's a tunnel.

The redhead huffs. "We'll take you to him."

Y/N eyes them. She knows she can't trust them. But if they know Glenn... Maybe she can?

She slowly lowers her sword, holstering it to her back.

The redhead nods in approval. "The name's Abraham."

The woman smiles at her. "Rosita."

The mullet man, slowly raises his hand in a small wave. "Eugene."

With that, the four get into the car and drive into the dark tunnel.

The headlights shine ahead and Y/N gasps at the sight. The roof must've caved in and there's a large pile of rocks. Walkers inch closer to two people in the corner. Y/N realizes that one of them is Glenn.

The three new people hop out. Abraham shouts. "Get down!"

Rosita and Abe fire on the dozens of walkers with their automatic weapons. Eugene stands still. Y/N hops out of the car, covering Judith's ears. The gunfire stops and Glenn shields his eyes as he turns around.

Her feet feel heavy as she walks up to him. It doesn't feel real. He's here. He's alive. His jaw drops when he sees her. She pulls him into a tight hug, Judy getting slightly crushed but giggling anyway.

Y/N smiles through her tears as he pulls away and looks into her eyes. He pulls her closer to kiss her and it feels like all her problems melt away.

She pulls away and huffs out a laugh. "Hi."


He looks down and sees the baby and his eyes widen. "Judith..."

"It's a long story." She says, voice cracking.

He hugs them both again. "We've got time."
Later, Abe and Eugene sit around a fire in the tunnel. Rosita and the girl that Glenn was protecting from the walkers, stroll up.

Glenn smiles at them, as he bounces Judith. "How'd it go?"

Rosita nods. "End of the tunnel is secure. Anything tries to get in, we'll know."

Y/N recognizes the other woman. The girl with the pink tails. The girl who was with the governors new group.

Glenn waves his arm. "Oh, this is Tara. She... I couldn't have made it without her. She wanted to help me find you. She's just that type of person."

Tara looks nervous. Y/N sighs deeply and pulls the woman in for a hug. "Thank you."

Tara is shocked. She just nods and smiles in disbelief. The five make their way back to the two men by the fire.

Abe sits up. "You know, I'm damn right tickled that y'all found each other. We can spend the rest of the night celebrating. Come morning, I don't see why we don't pile the seven of us in that van and make our way to Washington DC."

Tara nods and looks over at Glenn. "He's right. I'm gonna go."

Eugene shakes his head. "No, he's wrong. We're 50% of the way from Houston to Washington. Up until now we've had an armored military vehicle for transport. We've lost eight people."

Rosita looks at him. "That wasn't our fault."

"They're gone." Abe says.

Eugene continues. "I can't imagine we'd have better chances in that grocery grabber we picked up. We're a days walk from Terminus. Who knows that they've got there."

Rosita sighs. "It couldn't hurt to check. Load up on supplies, maybe even recruit some to come with."

Abraham stands. "He tells me I'm wrong, I listen. Tomorrow we go to the end of the line. Then Washington."

Y/N crosses her arms. "What am I missing here?"

Glenn sighs. "Eugene here, is a scientist. He knows what caused this whole thing. He also knows how to stop it."

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