The Beach

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"Come on, let's go, I told her."
"Where are we going?" "To the beach of course, come on," I said.

We ran out of the house and hopped into my car. "Mom, what are doing in the back seat, you scared me half to death," I yelled. "You can't go to the beach and leave me with nothing to do. I'm going," Mom said.

We pulled out of the drive way and rode on. I let Casey choose the radio stations to see what music she's into, but she kept on flipping to station after station with a smile on her face. She laughed "What's funny?" I asked. "Nothing, it's just...that I never was allowed to do this. I wasn't even allowed to listen to music." "Really?" I asked her. "Yeah, but sometimes I could hear music from kids' headphones at school. Or at the grocery store. But that's all."

"That's sucks. But hey, you're here now. The past, is the past," I told her. She smiles and my mom reached forward to hold her hand. We continued to drive to the beach which didn't take to long. But when we pulled in the driveway, she gasped. "It's so beautiful," she whispered. We all got out of the car and she took off her shoes and ran to the ocean. "Casey! We forgot to get you a bathing suit!" I yelled after her. "Who cares!" she yelled back.

All day long, Casey and I we're in the Ocean and Mom would watch from the sand. Surprisingly, she knew how to swim seeing that her mom never let her go anywhere. She looked like the happiest person on the planet right now. And it was because of my Mom and I. And there, I thought to myself that I would do anything to see that smile of hers. Also anything to keep her safe.


When we got back home, we all took showers and went bed. Casey passed out in a matter of minutes, she must have been tired. To think of it, we should get her some stuff for her room. I bet she doesn't want to stay in a boring guest room. "Cameron?" My mom said. "Yes?" "I have a late shift tonight so I'll be late. So please Cameron, be safe and watch for your sister while I'm gone." "Mom I'm 18, don't worry I got this." I said. She then left.

*Casey's pov*

I woke up to screaming. Immediately I got really scared, until I realized who was screaming. It was Cameron. I rolled out of bed and the clock said 10pm. I walked out of the room and went to Cameron's room. I sat against the wall outside his room so I could listen and so I wasn't seen. It's not spying.. I think. Well he woke me up so I have the right to know. And good thing his phone was on speaker.

"Nash stop I can't"

"What's do you mean can't, you are able to do it. Your eighteen Cam!"

"Nash seriously, my sister just got here today and I haven't seen her in years, I can't leave now!"

"We've been dreaming for this forever Cam! I need you to do this because I'm sixteen, I actually can't move out. But I'm allowed to if its with you!"

"I'm sorry Nash I -"

"Come on Cam. Freedom is at your god damned fingertips"

"I'll think about it Nash"

"Uggh Fine. But here this. I live on the other side of the fuckin' country. You don't see me everyday. Your sister, I'm happy that you found her and all but she will still be near you. You can still see her everyday. So call me back soon"

"Alright, bye"


And then Cameron hung up. I had no idea how I was going to get back to my room. I'll make to much noise. But as I started to walk to my room, Cameron walked out of his. "Hey Casey, what are you doing up?" "Umm I..I heard yelling and I heard it coming from here." I tried to pretend I didn't here his conversation. "Oh I'm sorry, I was just on the phone with a friend. Everything's fine," he said. He then started to walk downstairs.

"Wait, Cameron," I said walking down the stairs too. "Yes" "uh where's um you know uh-"
"Mom? Where's mom? She's at work. You can't call her mom, if you want to," he said. "When I'm ready," I told him. And I started to go to my room. "And Casey?" He said. "What" "I need to talk to you tomorrow. Not now cause you need sleep but tomorrow okay?"

"Okay" then I waking into my room. And I think I already know what we were going to talk about.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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