Here Goes Nothing

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Cameron's Pov


Today is her birthday, Casey's birthday.She turns sixteen today. I still remember the day she got kidnapped and it haunts me. I was only five at the time but I still remember every detail.

We were at the park. I was on a regular swing set while Casey was on the baby swing set. I then swung as high as I could, but I fell off. My mom came over to me and tried to help me up. When she turned around, Casey was gone. I always feel like it's my fault she got kidnapped. And it is my fault. If I hadn't swung high and broke my ankle, Casey could be here with my mom and I.

While I was deep in thought, there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in"

My mom walked in and sat on the edge of my bed.

"How you feeling sweetheart?", she asked.

"Today is her sixteenth birthday mom", I said shaky.

"I know. I know Cameron. But I just got a call from a police station in Flordia and-", mom started to say but then bursted into tears.

"Mom? Are you okay? What's wrong!", I yelled getting all panicked.

"They found her Cam. They found her", she said in between sobs.

"They found Her!", I yelled and hugged my mother tight. I was so happy I bawled into tears.

"She is actually going to fly here in a couple hours," she said with a big smile.

My smile grew really big. I was going to see my sister for the first time in fourteen years.

Casey's pov


I was led to an office. The police officer sat on one side of the desk while I sat on the other side.

"Officer Fuller?"

"Yes Miss Dallas"

"Can you tell me the truth about me?", I asked.

"Of course dear.", he said taking out a file.

"Your name is Casey Dallas from California. A daughter and a sister. At the age of two, you were kidnapped by Lacey Aka, your mom. We have been trying to find you for fourteen years when we finally have a track if you. We needed to know if your DNA matched your birth DNA. So one day, you just decided to out some candy in your mouth and luckily you spit it out. We collected you DNA and finally proved that you are Casey Dallas.", Officer Fuller stated.

"So my mom never let me go anywhere because-"

"she was afraid of people seeing you"

"And we always moved because-"

"We always had a track on you, but then we would lose you because you would move states."

"wow", I sighed.

"Well Casey. We need to get you back to your real family. Your plane leaves in an hour, we should get going."

***at airport****

I was at the gate and was getting ready to aboard the plane. I was nervous. With a 'mom' like mine, I never been on a plane.

"There is one more thing you should know Casey", said Officer fuller.


"Happy sixteenth birthday"

"wait what?"

"You were born on May 15th. Since you were kidnapped, your 'mom' didn't know when your real birthday was."

"My birthday wasn't 4 months ago?"

"Nope, it's today. Now have a safe flight.", Officer Fuller said and smiled.

I walked into the plane and sat at a window seat. How could this happen to me? I just had to get kidnapped. I've been living with a criminal, a lier, a stranger! My life could have been so free and better if I was never kidnapped. I don't want to even call that person my mom anymore.

A tear slipped down my cheek, she was still the woman who raised me though. But a part of me Wishes she wasn't the one who raised me.

***after plane flight****

I stepped off the plane, I has no idea what to do or where to go. I started to panic. But, there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw another police officer.

"Casey Dallas?"

"Yep, I was told that's supposedly me," I said.

"Follow me"

I followed to officer to the baggage claim. Earlier today, I was only allowed to pack my personal belongings, nothing else. I found my suitcase and picked it up. I then followed the officer out and to his car.

"I'm going to take you to your new home. Or your old home I should say"

"Cool," I mumbled.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"Sort of, It's like meeting my family for a second time. Which I am, It's crazy how I don't remember them."

"Well Casey, you were only two. Most people don't remember events when they were that age."

"But still! How did that lady pull me away from someone that I called mom and tricked me to call her mom," I said.

"I don't know. That's the crazy part."

The car pulled up to a driveway at a house. A house that I used to call home. The cop and I got out of the car and walked up the drive way. We stopped when we reached the door. The cop knocked on the door and I took a really deep breath. Here goes nothing....

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