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"Casey get up! We leave in an hour!", I heard my mom yell. After a couple more minutes, I dragged myself out of bed. Then I threw on some shorts, a top, and some worn out running shoes.

I walked down stairs to see my entire house empty. I probably shouldn't call it 'my house' anymore. I'm not surprised how my mom packed the whole house up in one day because she has done it many times.

*1 hour later*

I was helping my mom pack one last box.

"Mom, I forgot to ask you. What state are we moving to?"

"We can move to wherever you want"






"Absolutely not"

"Then where?", I said getting annoyed.

"I was thinking Maine"

"Out of all the places you pick Maine. Why do you always pick states on the East Coast?"

"Because it is an easier and shorter driving distance for me."

"There is a thing called flying Mom."

"Flying is not a option. Now let's hurry up and pack this last box."


I then finished adding a few more items
to the box. My mom was about to put packing tape on the box but there was a knock at the door. She put the tape down and answered it. When she answered the door, 4 police officers attacked my mother. They pinned her down in the counter and handcuffed her.

"Mom! Mom what's going on?"

"This is all your fault! If you stayed homeschooled, they would have never found us!"
"What," I said. "Mom, what are you taking about?"
"Oh shut it"
They took my Mom and shoved her into a police car.

"Mom! Mommy!", I screamed after her, but another police officer stopped me.

"Casey, you are going to have to answer a few questions at the station for me", he said.

"Not unless you tell me why they took my mom"

"She has been guilty from the kidnapping of you Casey"

"My own mother did not kidnap me!"

"Casey Dallas, Lacey Fredrick is not your mother. I'm sorry I had to drop it in you like a brick but it's the truth."

"What no! Casey Dallas is the girl who got kidnapped-"

"14 years ago and is now sixteen. We've been tracking you for years now. And Casey Dallas is you.", the police officer said calmly.

"But no. I-"

"Save everything else for the police station Miss Dallas."

I was then ushered to another police car and we drove to the police station.

Our Secret Love(Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now