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Hello, I'm Casey Fredrick. Just an average 16

year old with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Casey hurry up, the bus will be here in 5 minutes!"

That was my mom. She is a pretty great mom but she could do better. She never lets me out of the house, she only lets me go to school. She only lets me hang out with my friends when it's at her house, nowhere else.

Plus, we are constantly moving from state to state. My curfew is not 10pm like my friends. My curfew is when I come home from school. But at least my mom is really nice, she is probably just over protective.

"Casey, the bus is here!", my mom yells.

I walk downstairs, hug my mom, and go on the bus. I sit next to my friend Kristina.

"What's up with your face?", Kristina asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"You look so angry", Kristina says laughing.

"It's just that I hate riding the bus and I need to get my drivers license. But, my mom won't let me get it."

"Just ask your mom to drive you to school."

"She won't. She rarely leaves the house. She only leaves for groceries, the bank, and moving to a new state.", I said.

"Well you got to be grateful for some thing Casey."

"I am. And that's my Mom, school, my health, and you."

"Awe, I'm grateful for you too!"

*skipping to the end of school*

Today is May 14th, you know what that means? Exactly one more month of school and then summer break. Summer breaks are actually bitter sweet for me. I'm glad that school will be over, but I'm going to be stuck inside my house all summer with nothing to do.

It really bothers me sometimes. I never been to the beach, a carnival, museum, or a vacation.

I stopped walking for a second to put a piece of hard candy in my mouth. I spit it out immediately, It tasted like oil.

I started to walk home. I don't ride the bus home because it's always crowded in the afternoon. As I made my way home I saw a moving truck in front of my house.

"Not again", I mumbled.

I ran up the sidewalk and into my house. My mom was packing the linking room into boxes.

"Hey sweetie. How was school?", my mom asked.

"Mom, what's going on? Are we moving? Seriously Mom why do we move all the time?"

"I'll tell you when you are older. Now I packed most of the house and we will leave tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow! What's the rush Mom?"

"I'll tell you when you're older",she said. I hate when she says that.

I threw my arms up in anger and went to lay on the couch. I couldn't find the tv remote so I was stuck watching the news.

"Casey Dallas. A now sixteen year old who has been missing for 14 years. 6 years after the case was filed, police declared it unsolved. Then 7 more years later today. detectives have decided to go back to the case. We might have found where Casey is now and who her kidnapper is", I heard on the news channel.

"Wow. Poor girl", I mumbled. Then the Tv went black.

"Mom! I was watching that!"

"Sorry sweetie but I don't want you to watch scary news channels."

I gave my mom a weird look. This is probably why I don't have a phone.

"Mom I'm sixteen!"

"I know Casey. Even if I let you watch it, we would still have to pack up the tv too"

I sighed and stomped upstairs. I took a shower and them went to lay on my bed, which was just a mattress Mom probably already packed up my bed set.

I went to sleep, hoping that the next state we move to will be better........

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