Chapter 8: A promise to keep, part 2

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It's fun that ADHD is just demigod instincts, until Leo shows up to remind us all that it's a very real mental illness. Like no, he was not misdiagnosed, the boy's head works so fast that sometimes it doesn't.

I would know.

Chapter 8: A promise to keep, part 2


It had never crossed his mind that perhaps Piper and him were taken a lot earlier than Jason had been, that perhaps some of their shared memories were true. But as Pasiphae talks about the revival of the labyrinth, he wonders, how else would he have missed it collapsing?

She might be lying through her teeth, sure, but it's not like he can ask Delta about it, considering they're not really able to respond.

He doesn't really have the time to be thinking about this as much as he is, on account of the giant he's currently fighting, but when has his brain ever cooperated with him?

It's kinda bullshit that the other's only have to deal with fake ADHD, as opposed to the whole ordeal like he is. All of them are focused fully on the fight, while here's him, thinking about fucking labyrinths!

Granted, this is the same labyrinth that was so important to him its existence persisted through Hera's mind-fuckery. But still.

That's about when the big dark door that's been looming over them for the length of the fight lets out a stupidly familiar 'ding' and all bets are off.

It happens in sequence, or at least that's what it feels like for him.

The wall nearby is blow open by an army of skeletons in cliché roman armor, only you know, affected by time. Behind those skeletons is Frank hoisting Diocletian's scepter, followed by Jason and Piper, and behind them all is Nico.

Hazel calls forth eerily white mist to fend off Pasiphae, who was trying to stop the doors from opening, condemning what they hope is Anabeth and Percy to death. And before he can think about it, a screwdriver is leaving his hands and hitting the button at the side dead on.

The doors open to reveal Anabeth and Percy, who look barely grasping to life and still join the fight like it's nothing. Which is honestly the least unexpected thing here, to be honest.

Hecate joins the fight and they manage to send both monsters back to Tartarus... is Pasiphae a monster? Maybe pretend she is for the sake of argument.

And finally, as soon as the goddess leaves them, the ceiling groans loudly and the catacomb starts crumbling around them.

He doesn't think about this either, just acts.


The doors are still open.

It's all he can think about even as he helps with the fighting, even as they manage to win, even as the Necromanteion threatens to burry them under.

The doors are still open.

Leo moves.

He doesn't notice it until he sees brown hair and skin rush past him and further ahead, body transforming as he does.

And the sight of it shakes him to his bone marrow. Rips out the air from his lungs and forces it outwards.


His body moves after, or tries to, a hand stops him mid-stride, pale and thin and disarmingly familiar. He looks into exhausted grey eyes, and then turns again with his heart on his throat.

Hazel moves to the other side of the door, sword already drawn, Leo pulls a sledgehammer from his toolbelt, and they both swing in tandem.

The metal cracks, the sound echoing through the room like a response to the screaming from the earth. The hand on his arm tightens.

"We have to get out of here!" she urges.


Not like this.

He can't lose them both like this.

Another crack, another second of peace.


"Nico now!" it's Percy now, barely louder than the walls.


Leo swings with a scream, the chain shattering, then he runs to Hazel, who manages to split her chain in two before she's picked right off the floor.

The ground underneath them shakes, he swallows, watches as Leo weaves back to them, and calls for the shadows.

The ceiling starts falling in boulders, and stretches his free hand towards them.

"Grab on!" he pleads.

The shadows grow, the collapse increases, there's too many voices screaming for him to make them out. He feels tears break the surface and closes his eyes.

And then silence.

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