Chapter 18: Deciding how the story ends.

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I think everyone knows the struggles of beginnings, of starting anything, even something that was already pre-set. But I think we don't talk enough about the endings.

And so, I finish this project, with the hope that I was able to so much as give it a good ending. Hope you enjoyed.

Until next time.


There are, many ways to tell the same story.

This is particularly true of old myths, and so, it is also true of the way demigod quests get re-told.

The end of the war against Gaia has many after-stories, some of them closer to reality than others, but they all line up on one thing.

Gaia is defeated.

Gaia is defeated and the aggression between Romans and Greeks is finally solved.

That's not different in this retelling.

In the aftermath of it all, the two camps decide to throw a party, with everyone back on their feet, and the dining hall of Camp Half-blood cleaned up. They decorate the space with orange and purple banners, and push tables aside so they can all gather in the center.

Reyna does her speech, congratulating them, and marking an end, and she drags Nico forwards, and gives him back a piece of something he hadn't dared wish for.

And then there's Jason, pushing Leo into the limelight, and Reyna tugging Nico to them, and then Leo and Nico, together in the center of everything.

Leo, emboldened by the cherry atmosphere, takes the last step forward, taking Nico's hand and lifting it into the air before turning to the crowd. He grins broad and bright.

"We won!" he says.

And the two camps cheer.

There's a lot to be done after a fight, even if that fight is won. Everyone chips in to cleaning up and repairing camp half-blood.

They have a service for their dead, Hazel and Nico leading it together. And they have a discussion in the big house about how to move forwards.

Leo talks about the Labyrinth, explaining how it no longer has a master but is staying up on its own will. And explains that it's perfectly traversable, if dangerous due to the monsters taking residence in its halls.

He explains that new entrances can be created in an emergency, but also explains the timing of the mechanism is still in effect. Magical as Delta unquestionably is, it's still man-made, and therefore has limits.

Jason talks about building shrines for all the gods, about setting up travel routes between the two camps and a way to keep in contact. And about investigating the possibility of more pantheons also being real.

This leads to a much longer discussion about what actions to take in the case that they are, what protocols are needed or whatnot. The meeting finishes at night.

The Romans are allowed to stay for another day to rest, and then are sent off back to their own camp. Before that, the seven, plus Nico and Reyna, gather together to talk about what they want to do next.

In the end, Leo, Nico, and Piper are the only ones to choose to stay at Half-blood, Percy and Anabeth decide to finish their studies and then do college in Jupiter. Meanwhile, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, and Jason are all eager to simply return home.

They spend the day before the departure on Bunker 9, playing games until late, and falling asleep together.

And on the next day, they promise to visit each other when possible, and talk through iris messages regularly. A connection that's barely formed, but they all agree should be nourished.

Nico and Leo decide to give teen-hood a try. As well as give each other a try.

There are many ways to tell the same story.

But only those who are involved decide how it ends.

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