#4 Zac&Percy

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"Zac are you in there?!" It's Evie- she's clearly panicked about something.

I look over to my parents,

"Do you mind if I answer?" They replied with yes as I rushed out the the porch.

WHATS WRONG?! I exclaim running over to hug her.

"Mimmi's potion went wrong..."

Again! Look I love my sister but she really needs to check with us before trying these things. Now apparently sierena is trapped at the café with a tail. We need to go help her!

We both looked at each other, I guess I'll have to figure out how to explain why I randomly disappeared off to my cousin later.

We ran over to the water and dived in.

This sort of thing happens a lot, ever since that thing happened with Eric on the full moon a few months ago nothing particularly exciting happens, which is good. Ondina is still very upset about Eric, we all hate him. The mermaids have been helping Evie with how to control her moon ring:


I saw Zac through the window chatting to a girl. She must be his girlfriend, Evie. She had a panicked expression on her face. What was going on, is someone in trouble?!

They glanced at each other for a second like they both knew what they were going to do, although I have no clue. I hate that- not knowing. I know it's rude and all since it's literally none of my business whatsoever but I guess it's just an Adhd thing.

Wait am I just imagining it or are they jumping into the ocean fully clothed?! Just straight up leaving too. Why would literally anyone else choose to jump in the water fully clothed. The only reason I do it is cus I'm son of Poseidon and all. I have the ability to stay dry, my clothes still get soaked but honestly I don't really care, I'm just lazy.

I ask Zacs parents- "why's Zac just leaving?" I feel bad for snitching but I just couldn't help myself.

They sign. His mother explains how he does this all the time, they never get to see him anymore.

Paul looks at his watch. "We should probably get going now anyway- it's getting late"

I ask if after we go home I could go for a swim. Both Annie and mom gave me a look that said "no fucking way mister as soon as we get home you're going to bed"

I rolled my eyes.

Next time I see him I want to ask Zac if he wants to go swimming with me.


two povs in one chapter?! Don't say I don't spoil you

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