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Today 7:34 PM

i think i should apologize to onika :

kellypooh 🫀: sigh

kellypooh 🫀: what's going on now

we were texting and i think i might've :
overdone it when we started to argue

but idk now i feel like i didn't need to do :
all that

we both know why i'm really upset and :
i was mad over some other shit too

kellypooh 🫀: what other shit?

same shit different day :

then i wanted to come see you for the :
anniversary of your moms passing so you
wouldn't be alone but i've apparently already
missed too many days

they're on dick :

kellypooh 🫀: well you were just in miami

kellypooh 🫀: and i don't need you to come over here just for that i'll be fine

i like to be there for you around this time :
even if you are going to be okay

but i'll figure something out maybe i'll :
send you a care package or something

kellypooh 🫀: 😁😁

kellypooh 🫀: ouuu that sounds good

kellypooh 🫀: i want some cookies or something

i got you don't worry :

but about this onika thing :

kellypooh 🫀: i mean apologize if you want to but honestly y'all just need to end whatever this is

i don't disagree that we should stop talking :
i just want to apologize for some of the things
i said

kellypooh 🫀: go ahead you know she won't mind hearing you out

😭😭😭 :

okay i'll let you know how it goes :

onika 🍑

hey can we talk? :

onika 🍑: about?

i wanna apologize for some of the things i :

some :

i shouldn't have been as aggressive :

onika 🍑: you shouldn't have

onika 🍑: i honestly don't think you have the right to tell me how to end a relationship i've been in for a good chinch of my life

onika 🍑: just because i speak to him doesn't mean i'm getting back with him and even if i was it wouldn't be anything for YOU to get mad at

so why were you lying then? :

onika 🍑: huh?

that night i asked you who you were with :
and what you were doing and you lied

is that not weird :

onika 🍑: i wanted to apologize before you started coming at me crazy

i'm sorry for that :

i was pissed off about some other stuff :
i shouldn't have taken it out on you

i think we should just forgive each other :
if that's what you want to do and just leave
things here

onika 🍑: okay

okay :

kellypooh 🫀

i fixed everything :

but i don't think we're going to be talking :

kellypooh 🫀: probably for the best

kellypooh 🫀: at least you guys are on better terms now

yeah :

kellypooh 🫀: are you upset?

why would i be upset? :

kellypooh 🫀: you know you liked onika

... for like a day :

kellypooh 🫀: now bey i'm your best friend

kellypooh 🫀: you left miami liking her

kellypooh 🫀: weren't y'all making out on the couch?

😭😭😭 :

alright bye :

get off my phone :

kellypooh 🫀: i love youuuuu 🫶🏾

i love you too 🙄 :


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