Chapter 7

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After school Benny went to church to fill jug with holy water and lying to the priest by saying it was for his aunt. Ethan and Benny along with Jesse, Jacob, and Sarah prepare while Scott and his pack help Selena.

Jane came into Ethan's room where he was stuffing pencils into nerf bullets. "What are you doing?" She asked as Ethan scolded her for barging in.

"It's for school," Jane wasn't buying her brother's obvious lie.

"Tell me or I tell mom and dad what happened the other night." Jane gave a smirk the said that it was promise. The Scott poke his head through the door hearing his youngest cousin's threat.

"Just tell her Ethan. She that same evil smile that Theo and Lena has." Scott warned.

"Fine man your manipulative. We're going to see the new Dusk movie and no you can't come," Ethan told seeing her look happy he quickly shot her down, "it's past your bed time and it's R."

"So you're leaving with Benny's grandma again?" After she said that Mrs. Morgan walked in a pretty sparkly blue dress and getting complemented. "Sarah is here and Selena is with Jesse and Jacob," She told them as she noticed the pencils, "school project?" Ethan nodded as she left when she was out of site Jane had look that didn't belong on an eight year old.

"How much will this cost you?" she asked which surprised Scott by her bluntness.

"I'll do your homework and clean your room for a month." the youngest Morgan sister looked surprised knowing her brother wouldn't go that far unless it was important," do we have a deal?"

"Plus 20 bucks." Jane added. Ethan refused at first but complied when Jane yelled for their mom. Jane went to give their mom a hug before they left.

"I don't know who's more evil, Jase or your sisters?" Scott teased see Ethan give blackmailed by an eight year old girl. 

Later Ethan, Benny, Sarah and the McCall pack were getting ready to leave. "We'll be back soon." Scott tell an upset Jane.

"Unless we get sucked dry." Benny states without thinking scaring Jane. Sarah quickly covers it as Mrs. Weir walks in.

"You'll be needing these," she said handing them some of knives. The group looked surprised  as they looked back at her. "They're daggers if you're going up against the undead you are going to need them." She saw the confused looks from the group of teens," What? You spend years in this town you learn things. I know about the evil vampires, about Scott and his friends being werewolves along with Selena." She also explained about Benny being a spell master and all that.

At the movie theater:

Jesse's POV:

Selena, Jake and I were sneaking through the back of the theater. We made it the backstage to see my psychotic older brother and he cult "Everything going according to plan." Jase said with malice look.

"This is so boring." Erica said walking up her boyfriend sounding bored, "When can we eat? I'm starving." 

"You could always go after after animal blood." Selena sarcastically spoke getting everyone's attention. We made sure to look we didn't look suspicious. Jase looks strangely happy to see us maybe it's because he has brothers to boss around, who know with him.

"Well what brings you and my brothers here?" he purrs at the she wolf. He knows we would listen to Selena more than they would ever listen to him. 

"We want to help you." I lied but made sure  to sound blunt. He looked really doubtful but nods buying it. 

Sarah's POV:

"Erica, Lena and I were looking forward to this premiere," I told the group. We saw some of the drama club at the front so they went through the back. Benny tried to use a spell ended up saying the wrong one and made the spell book to disappear.

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