Chapter five

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She began to put her textbooks into her bag, somehow, having no cell phone didn't really bother her.

Except for having no communication with Ushijima, she didn't have to deal with incoming countless calls and texts from her brother.

Plus if she ever really needed a phone, Takeru was always behind her.

... since he felt responsible for grounding you and having it extended for a month now.

"Hey, don't you want to contact Ushijima-san?" Takeru asked, tugging at her sleeve.

"No, it's fine, I don't mind" she shrugged at him.

"..." Takeru stared at her, baffled, "but you also like Ushijima-san right?"

"Hm?" she continued to fix her belongings, "who said?"

"You aren't the type to talk to people older than you, especially befriending them..." Takeru pouted, "... Tooru's friends are different though."

"Isn't Ushijima-san also his age too?" she reasoned, zipping your bag.

"... I guess.... you're right" he trailed off. "... but that doesn't explain ditching class and asking him out to hang around with you at a museum."

"I guess so" she shrugged.

"..." Takeru sighed, "... you're being too difficult."

"And you're being a nosy bitch" she sighed back at him.

"Wha-..I was trying to help you!" Takeru yelled.

"I never asked!!!" she yelled back and looked at him.

"..." Takeru pouted, he sighed and then turned away from her, "... aren't you scared that Wakatoshi-san might break up with you?"

"...... were we dating?" she raised her brow, finally carrying her bag over her shoulder.

"..." Takeru stared at her.

"If there's nothing more... I'm going home" you shrugged, walking past him.

"... geez" Takeru sighed, following behind you.

Playing the silent little lamb wasn't much of a problem either; ignoring Takeru and even Oikawa didn't take too much effort.

If anything, everything's just really smooth lately.

She didn't have to go running to her brother's practices.

Didn't have to go to his gym and chat with that old man coach.

It wasn't much but it also helped her focus on herself and think about what she really felt about this "Ushijima Wakatoshi".

It really was fun being with him, even though he's so plain and has not an ounce of humor but brimming with confidence-filled common sense.

There are not many power points in him but his height, his strength, his skills in volleyball and I guess a tiny bit of good appearance.

... tiny bit.

"Eh," she heard Takeru say, his tone surprised that it made her look up.

Somehow, she wished it was him...

"Uncle?" Takeru mumbled, "what are you doing here?"

"..." she stared at Tooru, face blank and eyes displaying a look of disappointment.

"Just..." the brunette pouted, "I thought we'd do the usual afternoon date" Tooru explained.

"I'm busy" she simply said as she walked past him.

"Hey," Tooru says, grabbing her arm, "you need to put a stop to this ignoring play."

"..." she looked back, nodding at him. "okay"

"Eh?" Tooru blinked.

"It's surprising huh?" Takeru mumbled against him.

"So?" she asked, "Where are we going?"

"U-uh, ah... uh..." Tooru stammered.


"Here," Tooru says in an annoyed tone, placing something on the table.

"Hm?" she blinked, munching on her cake.

"Your phone" Tooru stated.

"What for?" she asked.

"... I suppose, I did go overboard" the brunette started, looking away as he couldn't accept having to acknowledge his faults against Ushijima, "but you're also at fault you know."

"..." she looked up at him, "I don't need the phone."

"... eurgh" Tooru groaned, and then he sighed, "okay... just... well.... I just..." he sighed deeply, "look... I'm just really, I'm worried about you. I know he is a bad person; I do this because I love you" he explained.

"I was really upset at you because you're trying to control me Onii-chan," she explained, sighing as she sipped her beverage.

"Uweuugh" Tooru sniffed.

"Uwahh gross" Takeru shrieked.

"EH?!" she almost screamed, "why are you crying?!?!"

"Because you finally called me Onii-chan again" he smiled and sniffed and at the same time, wiped his eyes. "I thought you weren't going to ever talk to your Onii-chan ever again, I was so scared you wouldn't even look at me anymore."

"... ugh" she groaned, "honestly, you're way too protective!" she yelled.

"I can't help it okay!?" he answered back, "you were so precious when Mom gave birth to you and since Nee-Chan was already away, you were the only one around who I could take care of." Tooru rambled.

"You were so adorable when you were so little, you couldn't even separate from me and would always cry when Mom tried to take you" he continued.

"You always called out, Onii-han, Onii-han, while crying after you tripped, you were so cute, and you always followed your Onii-han arou--"

"OKAY! I GET IT" she yelled, feeling embarrassed that she stood up and slapped her palm on the table.

"UuuuwuhhH" Tooru continued to cry.

"Geez" She rolled her eyes and sighed, ".... he's an okay guy."

Takeru rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"..." Tooru sighed after he stopped crying "I'm giving you the phone back because I trust you, okay? I don't want to have you anything to do with him." 


Pitifully, this is the last chapter we share with our dear real author. 


Well, if you don't tell the police there shouldn't be any problem. 

Take as long as you want author! We miss you!

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