Chapter nine

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They both were walking together, her arm intertwined with his.

The school festival was in full swing, with the entire campus buzzing with excitement. The air was filled with the aroma of various foods from the food stalls, while the sounds of music and laughter filled every corner of the festival grounds.

Students were milling around in colorful costumes, playing games, taking photos, and enjoying the festive atmosphere. The volleyball club's booth, decorated in their team colors, was drawing a crowd with its unique games and prizes.

"Ummm Wakatoshi-kun..." She started, still getting used to calling him after his name. "When is your birthday?"

"August the 13th" He responded, "Why?"

She scrunched her nose, "Eww, you are a Leo." She joked.

"Yes," He furrowed his brows. "Could be that are we not compatible?"

She openly laughed. "I don't know, it could be..." She said while giggling. "I was just making sure I haven't missed it. What would you like me to give you by then?"

"Give me?"

"Yeah, like a gift." She nodded. "I know it's a little childish..." She admitted with a soft blush. "But I love when someone gives me a plush toy. I have a huge collection in my room. I have cats, giraffes, penguins, crocodiles, owls, I don't think there are enough."

'Cute' he thought as he scantily smiled when she saw her face grow excited; her eyes shone just like her smile. "Is there any that you miss?"

"Mhh, I don't think so." She thought for a brief second. "Maybe like a big panda."

Ushijima looked up, searching for something. Then he pointed straight in a direction.

"Like that one?"

She turned around. Where a beautiful giant panda was sitting at the top of a shelf of one of those various games.



In the end, they won the panda and various prizes.

Ushijima seemed to be very good at those stupid games. With a little force and precision, he could get any toy he wanted.

More precisely, any toy she wanted.

He liked how she cheered for him, how she motivated him with sweet words, and especially how she, with the biggest smile, hugged him after gifting her the plushies he won.

It wasn't very clear to tell who was really winning in this situation.

He got to win at least four more.

He would have won a hundred more if Tendo hadn't interrupted by hurrying Ushijima into their club activity. The dunk tank.

The activity took place outside the gym. It was quite full after all the school was known because it's a volleyball club. They must be treated like celebrities.

"HELLO PEOPLE!" Tendo appeared in the scene beside the dunk tank. A microphone in hand and a very large hat on his head. "WELCOME TO DUNK AND SPIKE!

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

"SO, the volleyball team has set up a game where you have to spike a ball at a target to dunk one of our members into a tank of water!!" He explained pointing around.

"The target's difficulty is based on the weight of the person you want to dunk. Not saying that he is fat or anything, but if you're trying to dunk Ushijima over there, you're gonna have a tough time since he's the heaviest." He said, "But if you're trying to dunk our manager over here, it should be a piece of cake."

"So step right up, test your skills, and let's see who can make a splash! "

As the sun began to set, she watched the game progress. 

She not only noticed how any kind of person has taken turns on the game, each one trying their best to dunk the unlucky person sitting above the tank, but also the difficulty level increasing. Earlier in the day, even kids had been able to dunk the manager, but now only the bigger guys were able to dunk the bigger guys.

The crowd cheered and laughed as they watched each participant's attempts. As Ushijima made his way to the tank, everyone watched in anticipation, wondering if anyone would be able to dunk him.

But when Ushijima took his place on the seat above the tank, he looked down at the waiting crowd with a confident grin. But as the seconds ticked by, no one seemed willing to take a shot at him.

"We seem to be done with the easy targets!" Tendo said excitedly. "Who would like to attempt with Ushijima?"

Even with many people in the place, very few were the ones who tried to bring Ushijima down. Big, small guys and girls tried their best, even the already dry members tried to dunk him, but everyone seemed to continue failing.

After a while no one even offered themselves.

Ushijima's grin widened as he caught her already staring at him, eating the chocolate-covered strawberries he won moments before. He raised his eyebrows and nods his head as if daring her to take a shot at dunking him.

Just then, Tendo caught sight of the exchange and called out to her. "Hey, you there! Why don't you come up and give it a shot? Let's see if you've got what it takes to dunk the great Ushijima!"

She hesitated for a moment, glancing at Ushijima with a mix of amusement and trepidation. Finally, after leaving all her new plushies carefully on the floor, she stepped forward with a determined look in her eye.

The crowd around her cheered as she picked up a ball and took aim. She bit her lip while she narrowed her eyes, making sure to get the best perspective out of it.

'All those years of Toruu forcing me to play must pay up.' She thought.

After taking a very deep breath and locking eyes with the target; she threw the ball high to then hit it with all her strength. In a matter of a second, the ball flew just to perfectly hit the target, triggering the release of the seat and sending Ushijima tumbling into the cold water.

There was a moment of silence as everyone watched in disbelief. He emerged from the tank, soaking wet but grinning ear to ear. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, impressed by the spectacle they had just witnessed.

Her jaw threatened to fall to the ground as she stood still in shock. It must be all those hundred newspapers she carries around her school every day.

Ushijima walked over to her, who was laughing and clapping her hands after that intense weave of shock passed. "You got me good," he said with a smile, still dripping with water. "I didn't expect that from you."

She just grinned in response, feeling a sense of accomplishment after successfully dunking the strongest and heaviest member of the volleyball team.



Today I went to a library to write but it was so far away from home. Now I have to get home again and I was just an hour here. Lol so tragic.

Anyways, I hope you liked it. 

Like, comment, and share! 

It will keep me motivated :)

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