Chapter 10

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We had a busy afternoon before we got checked into our little hotel room. Lexie and Bella each had another dose of the Naloxone injected into their IV lines, and we were hoping that would be all that they needed. But Dr. Kipel did give us a pair of nasal inhalers to use in case the girls required another dose. She gave Willow a big sheet of things to look for, and then we were on our way a little before dinner. We made a stop at a local Target to get some clothes, as nobody had anything except me, and I had a limited wardrobe.

We didn't get anything fancy, just some sweatpants and tees for everyone that needed them, and an assortment of underwear and bras as that was necessary for each of us. It wasn't fancy but it worked. We grabbed toiletries as well, since all of us were fans of clean teeth and armpits that didn't smell like a locker room. A few snacks and drinks rounded out the shopping, and we were off. The rest we could take care of in the morning. I knew I'd have to get my leather pants off, but again, that could wait. I still had a pair in the trunk, but I liked having a backup pair.

We made one last stop to get some pizzas for the night, and we settled into the hotel. I made sure to check in alone, so none of the girls were seen, then we walked in through the staircase entrance at the end. We helped Lexie and Bella up to the room, since they were still a little weak, and then I went back to unload the car. I took everything this time, including my gun case, because I didn't want to be caught unprepared.

Sooner or later, those 2 guys would be looked for, and things would get ugly. One was a cop, though dirty, and I could tell there would be a lot of attention focused on any case involving a dead cop. That meant that regardless of any precautions we took, something might slip through and bite us in the ass. Yeah, Joe would let me know if anything was announced about me or the car, but I couldn't assume that we'd be safe. The only good thing was, the people that hired them wouldn't be looking for us to have stayed in the area of the kills, let alone for me to come looking for them!

"How are you feeling?" I asked everyone once the pizza was demolished.

"So much better!" Bella said. "I needed that food!"

"Same," agreed Lexie.

"Better or not, if you feel off, even a little, you need to let me know," Willow reminded them. "We don't need anyone to tough it out, this isn't the time. You don't need to be heroes."

"I know." Lexie leaned over, giving her cheek a soft kiss. "Show me the papers the doctor gave you so I can monitor my own symptoms too."

The roller bed fit, with some pushing and adjusting, snuggly between the two queen sized beds, and made for the perfect sleeping arrangements. I'd taken the precaution of getting extra towels from housekeeping so that showers would be easier. It was a little odd because that roller bed was lower than the two queen beds, so there was a weird dip, but otherwise it was just one giant bed. That came in handy, as I took that bed while Lexie snuggled with Willow, and we gave Bella her own bed in case she didn't want to get too close. She had in the clinic, but that might have just been the emotions of the situation.

But within an hour, they were all piled on top of me.

"So, since I have you all gathered here," I said jokingly. They all giggled for a bit before I started again. "Really though, I need to talk to you about what happens in a few days. I have a few options to keep you safe. I can either get you a safe house, or I can talk to my uncles, and put you on a private jet to go there. Either way, you should be safe until we come up with a long term solution. Do either of those sound okay to you?"

"No!" they all echoed.


"Which part of that did you not like?" I asked, hoping I could salvage at least a part of the plan.

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