Chap 1

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There weren't fairies on the isle. Fairies weren't 'evil', weren't 'villains'; they got an utter free pass to avoid the Isle of the Lost completely. There weren't any fireflies on the isle either. So, the glowing ball of light that shot around the beach near the shore was undeniable a fairy.

Harry Hook creeps out of his room after seeing the glowing ball out his window. As he reaches the beach, his bare feet sink into the wet sand. The ocean crashes against the shore, and something tiny and sparkling is standing poised on the edge of a rock pool. It's shining. Glowing. With every twitch of its wings, a delicate sprinkle of glittery dust falls onto the rock beneath her. A simple glance around would reveal that there's similar dust is all over the place, sprinkled on top of rocks and mingling with the sand or washing away in the ocean.

Only a mere fourteen years old but he knows how to sneak with all the talent of a cat. His father talked about fairies. About Neverland and magic and treasure. If he caught a fairy maybe then Hook would - Harry shakes the thought away as he tiptoes closer and then quickly cups his hands around the glittering thing.

Instantly the fairy is fluttering rapidly in his hands, it makes a sound mixed between shock and a screeching cicada. Its wings smack against his palms and he feels tiny hands pressed again his hands, trying to pry his fingers apart. He can feel the bite of tiny nails like pins jabbing into his skin. Its voice is a buzzing sound, high pitched and impossible to make out due to the speed of its chattering, not to mention how it's muffled between his hands.

Lifting his hands up to his eyes and he pulls apart his thumbs carefully to peek inside. It's a girl. A tiny shimmering girl, dripping with golden pixie dust and glowing. It - her - wings still flap around frantically. He can see them easier now. They're translucent with twirling yellow-white patterns. She whips around to look at him, chest heaving. Shadows contort her features and, slowly, she creeps forward towards him then - WHAP!

He somehow manages to keep his grip as he rears back. She just slapped him in the eye! He blinks wildly, eye watering. When he looks back, she's squirmed half out of his grip. He holds tight, thumb and finger wrapping around her teensy waist. She makes a noise of irritation and batters her fists against his finger. Her legs flail, wings beating hard. He shoves his now free hand against his eye, nose crinkling as he wiped away the pain. The fairy quickly tires herself out and Harry just stares at her.

He brings her close to his face again, just not as close this time. Her features are hard to see considering how small she is. He knew fairies were small but she's completely tiny! Her hair is dark brown with glints of deep gold where it catches the dim moonlight; she wears it drawn high into a pair of buns atop her head, though wisps of it seems to curl and stick to her neck. From the sides of her head poke a pair of pointed ears that twitch irritably. She's got dark eyes that glower up at him and her nose tilts up at the tip, though that might just be due to how she's sneering at him. She's also glowing, impossibly bright, like a star. Not that he's ever seen a real star with all the fog and haze above the Isle, but he's seen pictures and he's sure this is what a real one would look like.

She takes another swipe at his face, but misses entirely. Her mouth draws into a scowl. She kneads her palms against the flesh of his finger, squirming around.

"Let. Me. Go!"

He catches what she's saying this time, and her words are punctuated with a smack of her fists on his finger. Her voice is still high pitched and rings like a cat-bell. She pushes hard on his hand again, digging her nails into his hand.

"No way!" he whisper-shouts in reply.

With that, she suddenly glows red, brows furrowing angrily. She then flops limply in his hand, head thumping down onto his finger. Before he can say another word, there's suddenly a pinch of pain in his hand. He lets go with a yelp and the fairy falls out if his grip. He grasps his hand, looking at his finger.

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