Chap 6

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Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. Even after spending so long on the isle, Twyla still knows the way home. She passes through the barrier with a glimmer of green, the sky clears and its glinting with stars. The charm in her hand crumbles into silver dust that blow away on the wind. She flies all through the night, vision blurry with tears. Her entire body aches as she sinks to the ground on the edge of Pixie Hollow.

Her wings droop, the delicate tips almost dragging across the grassy ground as she starts off towards her old home. Her ink stained boots drag through the dirt and she pushes open the wooden door. As she steps inside, something crashes to the ground, spilling pixie dust across the floor.

Tears fill her eyes again as she turns towards Zarina, who stands frozen behind her work desk, a glass vial of dust shattered on the ground.

"Mum," Twyla sobs, throwing herself into the arms of the older fairy. Zarina squeezes the light-talent fairy tightly, gently brushing a hand through her hair. When they pull apart, she reaches to brush the golden tears from Twyla's cheeks.

The next half hour are filled with tears, sobbed explanations of her passed year away from Neverland, her recent run in with Captain Hook. While she explain this, Zarina works on straightening up Twyla's tweaked wings. Zarina takes it as well as she can when Hook is mention. For a moment, Twyla had forgotten the history between them; she quickly wishes she did remember because she could have gone without the sudden yank on her wings.

Eventually, she's ushered towards her old bed and falls into a restless sleep despite the fact that it was the middle of the day.

—— §

Twyla awakes glumly the next morning, glow dim and wings still drooping heavily. She walks out of the room, slumping at the table, resting her cheek heavily on her forearms. Zarina slides a plate across the table, right in front of her face. Twyla's dark eyes flicker between the plate and her mother, Zarina just smiles softly.

"Dulcie made you some poppy-puff rolls, love. She heard you'd come home," Zarina says, placing a comforting hand on the younger's shoulder. Twyla just hums quietly, munching into one of the warm pastries. Her glow brightens a little as she eats. Her mother settles into the table across from her, drumming her fingers on the tabletop. 'Home', the word almost doesn't sound right to Twyla's ears. She hadn't been back to Pixie Hollow for practically two years. And that hadn't been long after her arrival in the first place.

"So ... you're going to stay this time, right?" The question makes Twyla pause, swallowing thickly. Zarina sighs. "You can't go back, Twyla. Not with Hook there."

Twyla doesn't reply, looking down and picking at the poppy seeds with the edge of her thumbnail. Zarina's brow furrows, frowning, and she reaches across the table to grab Twyla's hand, forcing her to meet her gaze.

"It's dangerous, Twy! It won't just be Hook trying to catch you if you go back. It's an island full of villains and you're a fairy!"

"I said I'd go back, mum." Zarina's frown deepens and she draws in a sharp breath.

"I don't want you to get hurt. They're villains, you might think they're your friends but -" Twyla stands quickly from the table, jaw tight, and yanks her hand from her mother's grasp.

"They are my friends."

"Twyla ..."

"I'm going out, I'll see you later."

—— §

Her flight was faulty as she zips out of the little tree trunk house. It had to be close to the ground with how Zarina used her share of fairy dust for her alchemy instead of for anything else. At least it taught Twyla to save up bits of her own pixie dust for when she'd decided to leave. However, without her saved-up dust supply from the Isle, she heads off to see the dust-talent fairies. Already there are plenty of fairies fluttering and zipping about. It's no unusual sight, Twyla was usually late in waking up when she still lived in Pixie Hollow.

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