Chapter 13 | Back At The Lair

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*Back home, the pods fly inside and Donnie emerges.The others are released as Macaque and the others showed up too*

April: Everyone okay? Anybody hurt?

Mikey: How did we get here?

Donnie: Donnie Pods.We've never had to use those before. 

Donnie: *Turns to the others* So how would everyone rate their escape experience? "Very satisfied,"Very, very satisfied,"Extremely, satisfied?"

April: Donnie!

Donnie: Sorry.Data collection calms me down.

Splinter: *Groans as he wakes up*

April: *Saws splinter and gasps and holds him* Splints.

Casey Jr: This is terrible! Why did we leave?!

Mikey: In case you didn't notice,we were getting our butts kicked! *Hugging Casey*

Casey Jr: *Pushes Mikey off of him*

 Donnie:  *Gets Mikey of Casey*

Casey Jr: But my mission was to stop them.Right now,the Krang are using that key to bring something that will destroy the world.......We lost.....

Everyone: ....

*Raph's pod arrives.As it opened, Casey got out of the way and Leo stepped out, his heart racing. He looked at his family and friends, their voices muffled by his ringing head*

Donnie: Where's my other pod?

Mikey: Where's Raph?

Donnie: I mean,where's Raph?

Kokoro: W-where's big bro!?

*Then his eyes focused on Casey,who gasped.With anger in his heart,Leo Lunged at Casey*

Leo: *Getting held back by Donnie and Mikey* Did you know this would happen?! Why didn't you tell me?!

Casey Jr: (Scared and Confused) What are you talking about?!

Mikey: Easy! Leo,what's going on? Where's Raph?

Donnie: Leo,what happened to Raph?

Splinter: Leonardo?

Leo: *Frozes*

Leo: They...They got him.

April: You left Raph?

Tiffany: W...what!?

Leo: He left himself.He used his pod to save me,all because I went after this stupid thing. *Shoves the key to Casey*

Casey Jr: *Amazed while holding the key*  You got it.Nice.

Leo: Nice?! They captured Raph!!

Leo: He's from the future.He knew this would happen!

Casey Jr: No.I didn't.This didn't happen in my time.We changed the past,and you got the key.That means there's still a chance to stop them.

Leo: No,we have to save Raph.Come on.

Donnie: Leo,wait.

Leo: If you won't come,I'll go myself. *Tries to swing his sword,but his powers is still drained,making him grunts in pain*

Donnie: We've lost our mystic powers.

Atsuko: Donnie's right...Me, Narumi and Kokoro's powers are gone too.

Everest: Yeah.Me,Midori,Baixue,and Tiffany lost our Elemental Powers.

Mikey: We don't have a plan-

Odette: *Holding Sayuri* HELP!!!

Leo and the others: *Turns to Odette and saws Sayuri* ?!

Atsuko: OH MY GOD!! SAYURI!!

Mikey: What happened to her!?

Casey Jr: *Horrified while seeing Sayuri's head was bleeding* Oh...god.....

Donnie: Who did this to her!?

Odette: *Glares at Belladonna* ....

Casey Jr: *Realized the blood on her face* B...bella...?

Atsuko: S..sis...? You did this..?

Midori: *Gets mad at Belladonna* HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER!? WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU!?

Belladonna: *Gets mad at Midori with angry tears* I DIDN'T MEAN IT OK!? I WAS SO MAD THAT SHE WAS TRYING TO TAKE AWAY CASEY JONES AWAY FROM ME!!!


Belladonna: MAYBE!?

Everyone except for Belladonna: *Gasps in horror* ?!

Angelina:*Shaking a bit*

Macaque: *Holding Angelina protectively*

Kokoro: *Shaking a bit while she tears up*

Hotaru: Bella..? Why would you do that...?

Belladonna: *Slowly turns to Kokoro and Slowly walks to her* K-koko i-

Kokoro: *Shaking while crying*

Casey Jr: *Hugging Kokoro* DON' DARE touch her....

Casey Jr: HOW can you do this to Sayuri!? What did she do!? And you decided to beat her up!? That's not how you treat your TEAMMATE!!

Angelina: Odette! Put her on the couch and let me heal her.

Odette: Ok...*Puts Sayuri on the couch*

Angelina: *Heals Sayuri,making Sayuri's bruises goes away while her head started to heal*

Angelina: *Puts the bandage on Sayuri's head* Just in case if her head starts bleeding again...But now she needs to rest...

Casey Jr: *Holding Sayuri's hand while glaring at Belladonna* ....

Belladonna: ...*Heartbroken*

Leo: ......

Atsuko:  *Looks at Leo* Leo.....We needed a plan.

Leo: We don't need a plan.Remember I'm the greatest ninja the world's ever seen,his words! *Uses his sword and points at Casey*

Donnie: Shouldn't we talk about this before we run off all half cocked,willy nilly pell mell?

Leo: Look,I keep being told I'm doing this hero thing wrong.But I got the key,didn't I?

Leo: I get results, so now we're doing it my way.

Splinter: My son,listen to your team.This is not about you.

Leo: They made it about me when they took my brother!!!

Leo: Trust me,I got this.Donnie,you're driving.

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