Chapter 29 | At The Rooftops

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*From a rooftop,Leo and the others watch the chaos*

Leo: *Looks up and slumped to his knees* E-everest....

Donnie: B-baixue...

Macaque: Oh man...

Mikey: What do we do now?

Splinter: I fear we are lost.The Krang are too powerful.

Leo: *Stared at the photo* ...

Mikey: Maybe we could change the future some other way.

Kokoro: Y-yeah! W-we can to go back in time and save our friends and the world,right?!

Casey Jr: Guys,it's time to face facts.....We can't change the future....

Mikey: Says who?!

Angelina: What?! We needed to do something! We needed to save our friends!

Sayuri: *Slowly starts to have a panic attack* 

Kokoro: *Saws Sayuri having a Panic attack* ?!


The gang: *Saws Sayuri having a panic attack  ?!

Casey Jr: *Shocked and walks to her* Sayuri!? 

Mk: Is she ok?!

Blossom: I think she's having a panic attack!!

Casey Jr: WHAT?! *Looks at Sayuri*

Casey Jr: Yuri!  *Hugs her tightly,not letting go*

Sayuri: *Gasps while she tears up* ...

Casey Jr: It's alright...I'm here..Just calm down..and take deep breaths...Ok...?

Sayuri: *Slowly hugs him back and tears up and shaking while calming down*  I-i'm scared...

Casey Jr: It's ok to be scared...*Still hugging Sayuri* 

Akemi: What are we going to do...?

Donnie: I don't know....Says the grandfather paradox,says physical determinism,says the space time continuum.

*As Donnie continued on,Leo suddenly felt something that he hadn't seen before*

Donnie: Look...I didn't want it to be true but....*Sighs*  Science.

Leo: That's it! Donnie's wrong.

Donnie: The world is ending, yet the barbs continue.

Leo: Don't you remember?

Leo: We already did change the future.Raph never got kidnapped and turned into a Krang zombie in your time.Right,Casey?

Casey Jr: No,he didn't. *Still hugging Sayuri*

Leo: That means we did change the future! We're just in a different... *Stammers*

Donnie: Bifurcated time branch?

Leo: Yes,yes,yes,that nerd thing You know what that means,right?  We still have hope!

Casey Jr: A ninja's greatest weapon.

Leo: Hey,I like that!

Leo: *Sighs* Look,I'm done thinking I have all the answers.I don't know how to beat the Krang,but I do know our future isn't written until we write it as a team.So what do we got?

April: Maybe...Maybe!! We don't have to beat them.Can't we just send them back to the prison dimension?

Leo: That's an idea! Donnie,what do those big,beautiful eyebrows have to say?

Donnie: If we got control of their ship, we could send it back to the portal.

Leo: Yes! Yes! Now we're cooking.Who else?

Casey Jr: If someone on the ground can get to that key...

Splinter: We can close the doorway!

Mikey: And then bye-bye Krang forever,baby!

Leo: Exactly.What do you say,Donnie?  You ready to fly a spaceship?

Donnie: Literally the greatest question I have ever been asked.

Leo: Alright,team,looks like we have a plan.Let's go save the world.

Kokoro: *Worried* Wait, but what about Big bro...?

*Everyone felt the same way,but Leo put a hand on his little sister's shoulder*

Leo: That big jerk may be covered in goo and half alien,but he's still our brother.And I'm not giving up on him.I'm not leaving him behind. *Gets his swords from his back*

Casey Jr: *Looks at Sayuri* You ok now...?

Sayuri: *Nods yes while smiling at him*  T-thanks C-caseykins..

Casey Jr: You're welcome-

Casey Jr: Wait,Did you just call me Caseykins? 0\\\\\0!!

Sayuri: Y-Y-yeah.I thought it would be cute. *Blushing*


Casey Jr: *Turns to Leo* SENSEI!!!!

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