twenty six: ﹙the blacksmith﹚

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the blacksmith

CHAPTER          TWENTY-SIX !the blacksmith

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"contains; nothing...-,"
—no need proceed to with caution

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Laying on her couch, head to the pillow with her eyes reddened from the tears that came from her eyes. Frank Castle's death had been all over the news so she just shut the television off fully not wanting to hear more about it. 

There was a bit in her that loved him truly, but not knowing how she had truly felt was her main focus. 

Matt had been her soulmate, from the heart to the bones through the ivy-cold nights in Hell's Kitchen; yet Frank understood her it was the one thing she had always wanted someone to understand her. 

Night still loomed in her apartment, wearing Matt's clothes still dripping on her body not wanting to change from them. Death had hit with one thing, but someone who loved you more than anything just giving up was another story. 

The silence was in her apartment until it was interrupted by a french accent, that seemed to always somehow find her way into Y/n's apartment. "I need your help," Elektra's voice loomed in her ears. 

Y/n lifted her head up, over the couch to see the woman wearing her own uniform, standing next to the window meaning that was the way she snuck into the apartment. "Find someone else I'm done" She shortly put it. 

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