Odd Glow

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It's been a few days since our new cookie has moved in. The snow as been melting a bit for spring is coming soon. The air was still cold and the wind continued to make the trees dance in the wind. Although peaceful, the word of a new cookie was spreading like wildfire. Everyone is talking about the new cookie and some know and are talking about how they are the famous Cappuccino Cookie. Some cookies just hope they enjoy the kingdom.

Now there is one cookie who makes sure he is friends with everyone on the Cookie Kingdom. This blond hair Paladin can sometimes be- full of himself. This cookie is none other than Madeleine Cookie. He even some how managed to become friends with a coffee mage who hated him to now, well not so much of hating him anymore. Madeleine Cookie was hoping to meet this new cookie and become friends with them. Well maybe today is his day to fulfill this.

The Paladin was walking around the kingdom to finishing his duties of protecting it. He was in the kingdom's plaza which was oddly crowded today. It was a Wednesday during the morning and on Wednesdays, the plaza isn't that crowded till around 5:00 pm. Usually the least crowded day. Madeleine Cookie didn't bother to notice this. He just continued walking around, greeting every cookie he saw. Then he saw two coffee cookies who were his closest friends, or that is what he though. The two coffee cookies were argue about, well, coffee and their magic. "I don't see how you can enjoy a cup of coffee like that, besides your latte magic is much weaker compared to the coffee magic I use." One of the coffee cookies argued. "Come on Espresso Cookie, you act like a latte would kill you." The other cookie argued back. Madeleine Cookie decided to say 'Hello' to them. He walked over to the two coffee cookies. "Why hello Espresso Cookie and Latte Cookie." The knight greeted with pride. "Oh Madeleine Cookie, it's nice seeing you!" One of the cookies said. The other coffee cookie looked rather annoyed seeing Madeleine. "Bye." Was all he said before trying to leave. He is then pulled back by the other coffee cookie. "Espresso Cookie! Don't be rude. We talked about this." "Oh really, because it seems like I forgot, now let me go." The coffee cookie, who goes by Espresso Cookie, struggle to get out of the other cookies grip. The cookie then let him go, Espresso Cookie still ended up tripping. "This is why I hate you, Latte Cookie." He got up and dusted himself off. Espresso Cookie took a glimpse at Madeleine Cookie to then immediately look away. With gritted teeth he greeted Madeleine Cookie, "Hello, Madeleine Cookie." Latte Cookie chuckled at Espresso Cookie's reaction, then spoke, "Well, how have you been Madeleine Cookie?" "I've been doing well. I still continue my adventures to protect the kingdom. Lately, I've just been patrolling the kingdom." Madeleine Cookie responded. "So how have you two been? I though you two were busy today?" As Espresso Cookie opened his mouth to speak, Latte Cookie began to talk, "We both are doing ok. An incident happened at the school and it closed for the day. I'm just here to help Espresso Cookie." When she finished, Espresso Cookie glared at her, "Thank you, Latte Cookie, for interrupting me." He cleared his throat, looked at Madeleine Cookie, and continued to speak, "I just came here to get supplies for my studies, now if you will, I must be going." He began walking away. "Oh ok then. Oh! Have you two meet the new cookie yet?" Latte Cookie then pulled Espresso Cookie back. "I haven't, but I don't know if Espresso Cookie has." "No, no I haven't." He spoke in annoyance.

Voice of other cookies greeting each other was heard in the background. "Oh. Well then, may the Divine bless both of you." "I better be off." A voice was able to be heard. "Uh," Espresso Cookie began to speak while looking to the side, "isn't that the-"  Before he could finish his sentence, someone bumped into Madeleine Cookie. "New cookie?" He finished his sentence. "Oh- I am so very sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going- I- I- I am in a rushed, please forgive me." The cookie apologized while fixing their monocle. They look up to see Madeleine Cookie then to Latte Cookie and Espresso Cookie. "Hello, I am Cappuccino Cookie, and you three are?" "I'm Madeleine Cookie." He said with pride. "I'm Latte Cookie." It then went silent as they turned to the one cookie who didn't introduce himself to the new cookie yet. He stayed quiet. "And this is Espresso Cookie." Latte introduced him. "Well it's nice meeting you three but I'm in a bit of a rush- I- I- I- have to fix and experiment and I can't leave it alone for too long- I- hope you understand. Oh who am I kidding- it's most likely you wouldn't- and- oh!" They cover their face. "And I have to finish unpacking- oh Witches-" Then Cappuccino Cookie began running off. "Again- it was nice meeting you three!" She shouted. The three just started at each other. "Cappuccino Cookie- oh-! As in Cappuccino from that famous company?" Latte asked. Espresso Cookie's eyes widen for a bit from the realization of who that cookie was before responding, "Hmm, I wasn't expecting her to move to this kingdom after she closed her company to the public." "Yeah, such a shame no one was allowed inside anymore." Latte Cookie said with a tone of disappointment. "Well, I'll see you two soon." Madeleine Cookie said, walking away, and waving. "Bye Madeleine Cookie! See you soon!" Latte Cookie shouted for Madeleine Cookie was already walking far away. "Espresso Cookie can't wait to see you again!" She shouted again. "LATTE COOKIE!" Espresso Cookie shouted with annoyance and anger, chasing Latte Cookie as she ran away. This left Madeleine Cookie to chuckle.

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