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☆not proofread☆
David Reyes Pov :
Sugarhill , NYC
12:46 AM

I WAS WOKEN from a nice nap to nai staring dead at me. " Finally, you woke up. " She bounced up in down on the bed. " yo why you got so much energy? " I questioned her. Nai wasn't the energetic type in the morning. Unless it involved food, that's why her and ddot so close. " No reason, I'm just in a good mood. " She plopped back on the bed, making me chuckle.

" Oh, and that girl---was texting you. " nai said, trying to remember the name. " What girl? " I concernedly asked. " your girlfriend? stupid. " she giggled softly. " ohh yeaaah, " I totally forgot that I had one, considering I'm laying in my girl best friend's bed. " Well, I'm gonna get ready. " She said, I'm very confused this morning. " For what?? " I asked, causing her to whip her head around.

" This boy I met at the deli a few days ago asked me for my number and I said yes, soo last night he asked me if we could go on a date. " She finished her long ass sentence in a breath. My face kinda dropped after hearing that she was going out with someone else. " Oh, who's the guy? " I sighed a bit. I guess she noticed and tried to change the subject. " i-i could just not go if you don't want me to. " She smiled with her dimples.

That's one thing I like about nai, if she ever realize something doesn't sit right with me she always tries to go out of her way to make sure both of us are okay with whatevers going on.

" no no go ill be aii. " I cracked a smile. " You sure? I don't want you feeling uncomfortable with it. " She looked me in my eyes. I licked my lips before speaking, " yea I'm sure, as long as you're happy I am. " I said, making her jump up into a hug. " Ooh, thank you, thank you, thank youuuu. " She rocked our hug back and forth, causing me to laugh.

She makes me happy.

At this point now, I've forgotten that I even have a girlfriend. I quickly picked up my phone to check the message that was sent to me.


hey baby, where you at?
Delivered 9:07 AM

I'm somewhere
Delivered 12:58 PM

where is "somewhere"?

Read 12:59 PM

nai's house. bye.
Sent 12:59

I shortened our conversation so I could go see what nai was doing. As I was on my way to open the bathroom door, nai pulled it open and revealed her outfit. " Oh my bad. " she walked past me to her vanity. I don't know if she realized how much I was staring at her. You could see all her curves and i was takin in all of it.

I wish I was the one taking her out.

" You gon keep staring or compliment my outfit. " She said, making me step back into reality. " Keep staring. " I said, which caused her to giggle while putting makeup on. Ion understand why she still does that even though she's already cute enough.

I got an incoming call from Crystal. Honestly, she's been making me mad. It's like I can't even hang out with my best friend anymore cus she wants me to herself. " bro. " I smacked my teeth pressing decline. " What? " she asked, thinking I was referring to her.

" Crystal, keep calling me. " I rolled my eyes, sitting back on the bed. " So pick up, she's your girlfriend, right? " Ion even like her like that bruh. Tbh, nai would be better.

" yea but she doin' the most. " I shrugged. She sat down next to me. " Ya doing okay, dd? " Nai said, using a hand to rub my back. I slowly nodded, looking at her. Taking in everything she had to offer with that outfit. " Imma get going now cus you startin to creep me out. " She said, which caused me to chuckle. " You gon stay here or leave? " Her strong dominican and New york accent began to show as she spoke. " Imma dip," I said, following her downstairs.

                                                                                       Nai's POV :

I GOT IN THE CAR, as Trey began to drive off. uh, first of all, he ain't even open the door for me. RED FLAG. " So how ya day been? " he said, driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh. Too early? " it's been good, yours? " I replied back kindly. " it's been aii, just spent the mornin with my girl - my cousin. My cousin thats a girl. " He paused. Weird. " Okay. " I nodded slowly. Was he just about to say his girlfriend? Can't be. 

ll 15 minutes later ll

I got out of the car on my own since I'm a very independent woman. " hol on, I'll meet you inside gotta take this. " He said, referring to the phone that was ringing continuesly. " k. " I shortened it while walking away. I got to the front step of the diner and stood on a bench that was placed out there. I waited and waited, and waited until it was 5:07 PM.

Trey had me sittin there for a few hours, so I decided to go check on him cus I was getting a bit worried. My eyes wandered around the parking lot as he was nowhere to be found. His car wasn't even there. " What was the point. " I thought to myself as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I pulled my phone out and went to my contacts to call dd. I didn't even bother to call Trey back. He was the least of my concerns.

" Yo wsp? " dd said through the phone. " h-hey, can you come pick me up? " My voice shook as I tried to stop myself from crying.


" You good, ma?? " I sat up hearing her voice. " yea it's nothing. I just wanna go home. " She said. " aii, im on my way. " I said, hanging up to put my shoes on quickly. I was genuinely worried even though she said everything was fine. " david? where are you going? " Crystal asked. " deli. " I lied. " Can I co- " I shut the door before she asked if she could go.

I unlocked my car, checked her lo, and sped off. I finally arrived at sum diner place and saw her standing outside of the doors texting someone. " I ain't wanna holler ha to the car, so I did the extra and hopped out.

Nai's POV:

I finished texting my mom, who asked where I went since I didn't leave any sticky notes. " Hey, dd. " I looked up at him. " How'd it go? " he asked creepin in a smile. " horrible. " I chuckled slightly, rolling my eyes. " tell me about it in the car. " dd said hovering over my short self. He walked me to the car with an arm around my shoulders.

" and I was meant to tell you, you look beautiful tonight. " He smiled, making butterflies flutter in my stomach. " Thank youu dd, you finally said it instead of staring at me. " I said, which caused both of us to laugh. " anyways you gon talk about it or not?" His New york accent spoke through. " Nun much happened, he jus left me at the front to pick up sum phone call and dipped. " I said, slumping down in my seat. " He left youu???? " dds eyebrows began to furrow.

" nahh I'm bout to kill that nigga. " dd said starting the car in anger, adjusting himself. " dd it's not that serious. I really don't care. " I said rubbing is back to calm him down. " no nai he put my best friend in a bad situation like that where anything could've  happened I ain't go let that slide. " He said in one breath. " Okay dd but don't start driving till you calm down. " I said, knowing when dd gets angry he he has road rage. " aii. " he sat back into his seat.


Hey pookies tell me how yall like this long ass chapter cus this shit took me a while to write anyways comment and vote plssss💓

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