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    The main star is no fun.

Xie Jingyun didn't want to make an oolong like the supermarket again, so he simply found a rest area to catch up on knowledge overnight.

War not only pollutes the land and the human body, but also takes away many things.

In the Rota Empire next door, even the crown symbolizing imperial power was lost in the war, let alone others.

The Zerg invasion sounded the alarm for everyone. After the war, the interstellar people are still obsessed with force.

Various arenas and virtual battle rooms are blooming everywhere. Ten years ago, the Rota Empire next door developed mechas.

In recent years, there has been an increasing call for mechs to replace armor.

Xie Jingyun watched it all night, and the more he watched it, the more he had a headache.

Fighting, weapons, and mechs made people dizzy, Xie Jingyun pinched the bridge of his nose and said weakly, "Lingling, let's go home."

Before dawn, Xie Jingyun took the small system and ran away.

M6 only needs to fly ten minutes away from the main star.

On Prime Star, the firmament is shaded by metal.

Xie Jingyun needs to hold his head up to observe every building. There are basketball-sized robotic patrols in mid-air, colorful hovering cars, spaceships covering the sky and the sun. Most passers-by are expressionless, which makes him feel very uncomfortable discomfort.

M6 is different. There are no tall buildings here, no hovering vehicles to cover it, and large spaceships are rarely seen. You can see the light blue sky when you look up.

The initial park that Xie Jingyun unlocked is not far from the spaceship port, and it takes five minutes to get there by public suspension vehicle.

In fact, Xie Jingyun saw it before the suspension car stopped.

After all, the desolate planet m6 is like a desert, with very few plants, and an oasis suddenly popping up in the withered yellow, which is of course eye-catching.

The passengers in the car are all discussing.

"I saw it when I got off work yesterday, and it popped up out of nowhere."

"Tsk tsk, was it transplanted by some idle noble from the neighboring empire? Didn't the news last time say that the Duke of Cato built a flower valley?" "It may also be done by a rich man in

our federation who is idle and idle. It's just that he came to the small planet for what? "

Impossible, Duke Cato's Flower Valley covers an area of ​​1,000 kilometers, and there is only one kind of sunflower in total. It was planted in the soil and died in three days. During the interview, the Duke cried so much that his nose bubbled out." Xie Jingyun, who eavesdropped on the conversation of the

passengers Can't help laughing.

Many passengers looked at the oasis subconsciously. There were at least dozens of plants on it, and many of them required them to check the information to name them.

And as the night passed, these plants became more and more vigorous, stretching their heads high and their chests wantonly in the wind, without any signs of withering.

"Go and see?"

Someone rolled his eyes: "You go and try."

He has already tried it, and the result...hehe.

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