Chapter 5: Smaug's Awakening 2 and The Dragon's Wrath 1

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(3rd POV)
After Bard show his black arrow to his kids and the dwarves. The other scene shows up which it revealed inside of the treasure room of Erebor, Smaug continue his way as he said.

Smaug: "The King Under the Mountain is dead! (Bilbo burst out from the gold and ran towards down stairs as Smaug follows Bilbo behind) I took his throne, I ate his people like a wolf among sheep! (Bilbo jumped down from stairs and roll down from the mountain of gold with the (fake) Arkenstone) I kill where I wish, when I wish! My armour is iron, (Smaug catch his attention on Bilbo and glides down with his wings spread wide open until Bilbo hides under the columns as for Smaug landed where Bilbo is and grip the columns with his claws and spins) No blade can pierce me!" He said, as his eyes glows in red color with his own pride.

[Location: Laketown]
Then Bard carried his black arrow outside with Bain follows his father behind and then Bard check every route before proceed with his words.

Bard: "All right." He said and move forward as Bain asked him a question.

Bain: "A black arrow? Why didn't you tell me?"

Bard: "Because you did not need to know." He said to his son, then he heard a guards chuckling as they went away while Bard and Bain run and hide behind as Bard looks up to the ballista that is mounted in the tower.

Bard: "Listen to me carefully, I need you to distract the guards. Once I'm at the top of the tower, I'll set the arrow to the bow." He said to his son about his plan, until Braga appeared with his men's as he yell to Bard.

Braga: "There he is!! Bard!! (Look to his men) After him!!"

Bard: "Quickly!! Down there, go!!" He said to his son as they ran away from Braga and his men as Braga yell his men to stop Bard at once.

Then Bard and Bain went every location to make their enemies lost but they cannot so Bard made his hard decision as he stops Bain and said.

Bard: "Bain! Bain. (Give his black arrow to Bain) Keep it safe. Don't let anyone find it. I'll deal with them." He said as he push Bain to run away but Bain doesn't want to leave his father.

Bain: "I'm not leaving you." He said but his father give him orders which Bain couldn't refuse his father's word.

Bard: "Now go!! (Bain forces to run away with the black arrow as Bard runs back only to meet Braga infront of him) Braga?"

Braga: "You're under arrest. (Bard asked him about what charge) Any charge the master chooses." He said as Bard look around only to be surrounded by Braga's men.

Before they could arrest him, Bard throws his powerful right hook in Braga's old face which it made Braga knocked out. And then Bard throws some materials at the guard before kicking him, and he began to run away from them while the guards also began chasing Bard. Meanwhile, Bain who holds the black arrow suddenly saw a 2 guard infront of him searching everywhere then Bain his the black arrow in the boat and cover it which the location for black arrow already marked near in the statue.

As for Bard, he use his advantage to skip over the boats one by one until he reach the other side. Unfortunately, the guards tried to chase Bard by skipping over the boat only to slip their feet and lose their balance on the boat. While Bard continue to escape from the guards and he turned right and sprint until a stranger tripped Bard as Bard himself went lose his balance and accidentally hit nearby materials. That stranger is Alfrid who shows up from the corners along his town master besides him. The town master carried the piece of wood with his hand, but before could Bard defend himself, the town master knocked Bard unconscious.

In the Erebor where the dwarves waiting outside, Ori asked his them as he said in worry.

Ori: "What about Bilbo?" He asked as Thorin answered him.

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