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The reporters flashed white lights as they saw the black car in her parking lot. "Shaé! Shaé!" They chanted as if it was a mantra. The lady covered in pink attire got out of the car. Heels clicking,sweet smile which was not fake at all and her black hair put up in a clean bun.

Posing for the camera, with dramatic poses Tamaki joined her too. While waiting for her, he couldn't help but go along with the flow~.

"Lovely to meet you, young man Tamaki" she let out.one of her close friends from his father's business collaborations. She was known for being the sweetie pie yet a powerful woman. She carried herself the way she deserves it. She was in the chords of the music room, pulling the strings.

Knowing the situation of Haruhi she was more than happy to help her.
Shaé was a girly girl,she loved being feminine. The idea of romance,the colour pink,mini skirts to low waist jeans, it was her love of being a woman. And she knew people come in diversity. From shapes to colours, everyone was different, and being unique is always good. Shaé adored Haruhi, like a little sister,she would call her.

" Um...Shaé I think this will work." Haruhi handed her a bunch of pinks and purples tinted flowers, sighing in between her words knowing that flower picking was a habit she would have adored.

" Sweety, you are doing great" Shaé was honest, tying the flowers smoothly in between her fingers, it was probably difficult, Haruhi thought. Now they are in a picnic, a mat spread out, a basket to weigh it and Shaé making a sandwich for Haruhi as they talked, ranted about everything. Everything.

Haruhi was a tomboy, people who don't know would describe her. Of Course they would.

"How do you do th-" Haruhi was interrupted by Shaé handing her a string of coils.
"Try to do it, it is not that hard" the coils lopped in Haruhi's hands as she tried to place the flowers perfectly in an order. She did succeed after some few tries.

They were almost as if Shaé tied them. Soon after gobbling down the sandwiches and the sushi takeaway Shaé bought them knowing Haruhi would like it, they went for a walk in the ouran highschool's garden. Welcomed by red roses, Haruhi stopped to spy upon them, a butterfly sneaking honey out of it as it fluttered its wings.

"You are beautiful Haruhi," she murmured. Haruhi didn't know what to say. She was flustered.

"Umm.... Thank you!" She tried not to sound nervous while twirling the red rose in her hand.

"Life and romance..." Shaè spat out suddenly. Haruhi was baffled. Shaé then went on saying that the red rose symbolises life and romance,while winking at Haruhi whose cheeks were now painted with pink.

"My dear Haruhi, did you have fun with Miss Shaé?" Tamaki asked as he held her hands with a sparkle in his eyes. She nodded with a slight smile on her face. Shaè was now happy to see Haruhi, she loved her, like a sister.

"Had fun?" Kyoya, now standing behind Shaé, asked.

"Yeah, a lot," Shaé exclaimed . A lot of fun. She wanted to spend more time with Haruhi now. Spying at this was Renge, she despised Shaé. While, Shaé didn't know she existed. They way she and Kyoya sometimes chat as Kyoya always had a bright smile on his face made Renge's blood boil.

"Before you leave,we would love it if you spare some time for dinner with us" Kyoya suggested for her to come. She did agreed. All of the host club along with Shaé were now infront of a 5-star restaurant. Haruhi sat next to Shaé and Kyoya infront of her. She has always seen eachother flirting.

"Haruhi eat some more, u had a long day today " She was offered some lobsters. Thanking Shaé she started to dig in. The flavors melted in her tongue as she started to gobble them down. Well she had a long day.

After dinner, the host club was heading home when Shaè told Haruhi to meet her in the weekend for something. Haruhi agreed. The whole host club agreed.

"See you on Saturday then" Shaé giggled as she winked at Kyoya who chuckled at her antics. They were going to have a very fine weekend .

Thank you for reading <3
Word count: 743 words

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