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What a fine day it was for the host club!

The sun on a blaze as the grasslands swifted beautifully in rhythm with the soft breeze. Shaé had known it would be like this on this fine weekend. The host club was there,all dressed up in casuals. Outfits they are not usually seen in. Haruhi was glamed in a floral dress. It was gifted to her by Shaé when they had first met. She was informed that Kyoya and Shaé had shopped for it together.

Standing there with a small smile on her face, Haruhi was welcomed by a brunette hugging her in greetings.

Haruhi was not used with these contact as she never had that many female friends due to her appearance. She would say Shaé was like her big sister.

" Today we are going shopping!" Shaé exclaimed in complete joy. The host club was very excited. Shaé had just loaded up her credit card with money as it was a big day. She wanted to make Haruhi fell like they were besties. A girls' day out she would say. Locking hands with Haruhi they were now swinging along the streets of Buckyo.
From fantastic designers to good old thrift shops, they bought everything that scratched their interests.

Kyoya was happy that Shaé didn't keep a hand on the host club's money but her own. He would describe her as a independent woman. An independent woman he wanted. After a long day, the host club was packaged with bags in their hands as Haruhi,Honey and Shaé chatted,while eating. Placing a strawberry on Haruhi's plate, Shaé smiled at her. A big sister, one she didn't have but she was happy that someone filled this void.

The next day

"Let's pick a makeup look for you " Shaé said out followed by a gentle smile. They all had been in her house ever since Haruhi woke up. She did drag her out of her house with a thumbs-up from her dad. He trusted her, as if she had a big sister. Renge decided to put Haruhi's makeup on as she was 'good at it's. As the session ended up with Haruhi's fake eyelashes falling out and a lot of plucking of eyebrows.

"You will improve, maybe you are good putting makeup to yourself" Shaé chuckled out. She had been noticing her lately and she loves her fierce attitude. She sure kind of does not like it when she simps over Kyoya but who wouldn't simp for him. She did. Renge did. Probably half of the school did.

Shaé had just finished Haruhi's makeup look. To describe it, it was natural and suitable for her face. Haruhi loved it, she had learned the steps by heart. She would probably use these steps during special occasions. But where will she get the items....

"You can have it, it was for you anyway" Shaé suggested with a shrug. Haruhi's eyes glowed, she nodded while repeating thank you for over a million times.

"Oh how lovely!" Tamaki let out as he gently placed his hand on Haruhi's chin. Roses were now behind them. Kaoru and Hikaru rolled their eyes out, that is when they had a light bulb appear right on their heads.

"The lip shade is too bright let me lighten it" Hikaru announced as he went closer to the soft lips of Haruhi.

Tamaki was now in his emo corner, crying over the scene. Before all this chaos could unleash, Mori picked Hikaru and threw him away. Yes, threw him away. After that he did ask whether she was okay. She replied with a small smile and a nod.

"Your makeup looks good too" Kyoya whispered to Shaé as he examined her face, glossy lips, shiny eyes, blushy cheeks. Oh how gorgeous she was to him!

"Thanks..." was all she make her mouth say. They were both blushing. Tamaki had seen them both as he took a picture of them with camera which came out of nowhere.

Kyoya wanted to touch her lips and make her look at him as she was turning away,flustered.

"You know we should probably go on a date, if you want to, that is" Kyoya let out not knowing it was the words he spoke in his mind. Before he could say anything, she had agreed with a bright smile one her face, now looking at him.

Ofcourse he couldn't get out of it, they will go for a date. "This weekend " Shaé confirmed.

Oh this weekend is going to be fine~


I did a little experiment with this chapter hope y'all like it <3

Word count: 774 words.

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