Captured by Lies

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I woke up and felt a instantly pain on my head as I looked around.

Where the fuck am I? Where is Z?

I immediately grew confused as I noticed that I was tied up to a pole and my heart began racing

What the hell, did I get too drunk and let Z do some kind of bdsm shit to me?

I tried to scream out Z names but my screams were so low and raspy.

Why can't I remember anything? All I remember was the dinner, then Z got a call. Then everything went blank

I kept tryna to scream Z names with all my force then I jumped when I heard a unfamiliar voice.

"No point of screaming. No one can hear you" a light skin short stud said as she began walking towards me

Where did she even come from?

"Who the fuck is you? W- where's Z?" I asked confusedly

"Oh Z? She doesn't want me to tell you that information so for now on I'll be here for her absence. Im Ro" she smiled

"D- did she do this to me?" I asked trying to tugg on the rope I was tired with

"Uhhh technically I did it BUT she did had a part in this too"

"Why would she do this? Is this like a kidnapping or sum? Z wouldn't do this I thought she liked me?"

I then felt a sting hit my face and I groaned

"Z DO NOT like you bitch ok? in-fact, she likes me. Don't ever mention her name in the same sentence that may be in a romantic way again. Do you understand?"

Ok this bitch is crazy.

I nodded my head not knowing what else to do . If I say the wrong thing I can end up dead.

"good. Now, here's the rules. I'll tell you why your here but after that you will not ask any questions or speak at all with out my premission ok?

I nodded and she smiled "your obedient how cute. Anyways, Z complained to me about you. She said that your annoying and she wants up to keep you here for a while, your obviously getting in the way of us getting married and I can't let that happen."

"So she did all th-" before I can finish my sentence she moved her pointer finger to my lip "shhh" she then smiled "No questions, only speak when spoken to remember?"

I just nodded my head.

I swear when I get out of this ima fuck Z up. She did all this because I'm annoying? And she's getting married? I knew I couldn't trust her. Why did I even let her make me think that I liked her.  This isn't making any sense. Why not just leave me alone and let me know instead of leaving me with strangers tied up to a fucking pole"

I don't know what to think right now. I can't believe Z would do this to me. And why do she have strangers here to hit me and tie me up and shes nowhere to be found?

Everything's just to confusing right now.



I woke up still confused on what I did last night for Lay to just bail on me. She could have told me she was leaving. I was only on the phone for 10 minutes. TEN FUCKING MINUTES. I payed good money for that dinner just for her to leave without any warning. Was it the kiss? Was she too embarrassed to stay? I couldn't process my mind around her just leaving . I tried calling her but her phone went straight to voicemail. Maybe she still mad at me but that give her zero rights to just leave.

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