Protect her..

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{A/N: Mb gangys fr this time. Couldn't leave y'all hanging🫡 .  Y'all still fwm right.. }


"Ro chill out.. ion wanna have to kill you, just drop yo gun" Z said still pointing my direction

"You don't have to, I can just kill her and we can live happily ever after" I smirked before looking Lay directly in her eyes.

I then clocked my gun back, I'm a woman of my word...

*POW* * POW*   (gun shot sounds💀)

[End of recap]



I shot my gun once and heard another shot. Ro body dropped to the floor and it grew quiet.

"Z come on we gotta go" Lay yelled as she tugged on my arm.

We rushed out the house and into my car and that's when I felt a instant pain on my stomach.

I know this bitch ain't shoot me...

"Z your bleeding" lay said as she lifted my shirt

"I'm good" I said starting up the car

"Your not good. You just got shoot in the stomach let me drive"

I can see the fear in her eyes.

I really didn't have the strength to fight with Lay over who's driving shit I'm shoot.

I moved over to the passenger and let Lay drive. "We're we going?"

"To the hospital"

"Lay im good" I said trying to shrug the pain off

"No. No. Your shoot.. in the stomach at that, your going to the hospital"

I just layed there. I'm in deep pain right now but ima thug this shit out.

My eyes felt heavy as Lay was driving. I was becoming dizzy and everything around my started to get fuzzy. I couldn't stay woke. As much as I tried to keep my eyes open they just kept shutting...



"Z try to stay woke" I kept telling Z as she began to doze off again. As much as I was telling her she just couldn't. I need her. I need her to be here with me..

"Z we almost there" I said seeing that Z was now completely unconscious

My heart was racing. please lord keep her here with me.

I pulled up to the hospital and immediately called over the doctor and they rushed to the car picking up Z out of the car and placing her onto the stretcher.

I ran to the other side of the stretcher and held onto the bar.

"Maam, we need to wait in to waiting room until one the nurses come and talk to you"

"I just need to see her, I need to be there with her" I said ignoring everything he said

"Maam please wait here we'll do everything to keep her going"

I huffed then rubbed my tremble and went to the waiting room to sit.

My mind was racing. I can't even think straight right now. Everything just happened too fast. Lord protect her and watch over her please.
I wonder if Z have family I can call or someone close to her.. I just don't know what to do right now.

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