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From Meeting Lay, to her getting kidnapped, then her meeting muhfuckers I told her not to even trust, then basically all the same shit repeating. I'm hoping that Lay really learn sum from all of this man. It's like you tell her sum and it all just jump out the other ear. Don't matter what you tell this girl, how much you warn her, she just so hard at listening. It's too many chances we're she could have ended up dead... shit getting out of hand forreal

"I'm sorry for not listening to you" Lay cried into my chest. At this point it's not shit that I can say. Everything I told her that was gone happen, happened.

"You told me, I didn't listen. I shoulda knew I'm so sorry that I put y'all through all this.."

I just shook my head and looked at Glo who seemed to be out of it too.


"Im sorry Z.."

"I thought you were could you be so stupid at times? This shit could've costed you your life. Do you how how bad I was feeling about all of this shit? From the beginning just getting you involved with this shit In the first place.."

"I know.. I'm so sor-"

"bro STOP apologizing! Everytime you get into some shit I warned you about you sorry. you need to stop being sorry and be more careful. There is NO way you should even wanna put yo trust in nobody at this time. If I telling you sum, it's for a reason, you think I just be telling you shit to provide you with sum kind of knowledge or sum? You gotta stop being so fucking hardheaded and be more aware Lay. I love you.. but if you can't get yo shit together ima have to let you go.."

Lay didn't say anything she just cried and I let out a deep sigh "Lay, I just need you to do better. Learn from what you've experienced from all this ok?"

Lay nodded and I pulled my hands up wiping her tears from her face "I love you so much, I cant lose you" I grabbed her pulling her in to a deep hug

I can't loose this girl ...

Few months later

Everything was started to feel a little more normal. Ro gone fashoo so what else can possibly go wrong? Lay been on her p's and q's being more aware or shit, even thought it's a very low possibility of anything even happening but you never know. Lays been out the way a lot. She tends to break down late at night and she don't talk a lot but I figured it'll just take her a minute to regain her actual self back after what went down

We were currently at the fair, just finished riding some rides now we heading to the food court looking for options.

"I want some turkey legs" I stated then asked Lay to see if she agree. She said yes. "Aight, we finna go look around" Glo said walking away with Binky

"Bet, where we meeting up?" I yelled "Ima text you" I just nodded and Sat in-line til it was our turn. The line was fairly long. It took bout 15 minutes for us to get to the front of the line. When we did get in-front there were 3 workers to help with our food. 2 whites girls and one black girl who clearly didn't know what the fuck she was doing

"Oh um, hi. W-what would you like?"

I smiled "can we get 2 turkey legs?" Lay budged in "oh and a sprite please"

The worker smiled "alright it'll take only a few minutes"

"Ima go sit down" Lay said looking at me waiting for a confirmation and I nodded.

"I'll be with you shortly" when the worker did turn around she bumped into this other black worker that was coming from the back causing her to drop her drink all of the both of them "oh I'm so sorry I didn't s-"

"Nah you good , go get yoself together I got this" She said before grabbing a towel and wiping it over her shirt. She then approached us "wassup" she smiled. Her teeth were so pretty. She had 2 diamond ear rings and both sides of her nose pierced- I heard her clear her throat. Damn was I staring that long? "Oh yea Um, hi"

"Was your order placed already?"

"Yea I order the 2 turkey legs and a sprite"

She looked into the computer before saying "aw ok I see it, just give me a minute I got you" then walked away fixing Lay's drink then fixing the turkey legs.

"Here you go ma" she said as she handed me my drinks and I tried to give her my money but she declined "nah it's all on me you good"

"Preciate it" I smiled before taking my food then walked away. I felt like she was staring a hole in the back of my head.

I headed to were Lay was sitting and passed her, her drink along with her turkey "thank you" she said. "Glo and Binky at the popcorn line, they said to just meet them their" I nodded my head then we began walking to the popcorn line

After eating, we rode a few rides then dipped.

The car ride home was quiet. We talked about the fair and the food there but other then that it was quiet. I was driving and Lay was in the passenger sleep. Binky and Glo drove In a separate car (which was Glo car). I notice the cup of sprite that Lay had got from the fair had writing on it but I couldn't make out what it was until I picked the cup up. I looked closer to the bottom of the cup as I read it

                 #773-8927-0841 call me ;)

I know Lay ain't have no body write they number down on this cup...
then expected me not to notice this shit.

I wasted no time as I shook Lay woke til she woke up. "Hm?" She asked now looking at me

"Lay, ima ask you this one time. Don't lie to me aight?"

Lay gave me a confused look before saying "what?"

"Who the fuck gave your their number?"

"What are you talking about?"

I shoved the cup in her face showing her the number and she grew even more confused trying to read the number

"Oh, so now you playing dumb?" I said raising my eyebrows "Call the number. Sense you wanna act stupid"

"Z, I swear I don't know what this is. I was with you the whole ti-"

"Okay. Call them! ." I cut her off and Z smacked her teeth before pulling her phone out and dialing the number .

The phone rung a few times then went straight to voicemail.

Lay looked at me waiting for a answer. "It's coo, if I find out you asking anybody fo' they number, on everything I done with you."

"I didn't ask no body." Lay argued

I didn't even say shit. I just stared at Lay for a while before bringing my eyes back to the road and driving the ray of the way home.
I can tell Lay was annoyed that I woke her up, but ion give a fuck. Who number is this ??


A/N: I was finna stop writing to this but y'all want more so I got y'all. I'm just tryna figure out what's next to this story so bare w me 🫶🏼

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