March 7, 2013

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March 7,2013

Dear Perrie,

I Love you so much its crazy. You are my best friend and you have been there through everything that I have ever needed and I thank you for that. I know it must have been hard because I like to complain about everything but you never got mad at me. You stayed there and never got over annoyed and just left like so many other people.

I know there have been times when we like to argue about the little details that happened on the day that we meet even though they don't matter. But lets be honest who else would remember that there conversation with someone was about how thier life was so much like Bella's from Twilight.

You and Katherine were my first friends at my new school and you two were these crazy loud girls that were always happy. I was this weird quite white girl that changed schools in the middle of the year, but you guys didn't care. You are one of the things that helped me in the seventh grade. And you somehow broke through all of the walls that I had built around me so no one could hurt me. They just seemed to not work when you were around. I was telling you things I have never told anyone, and when you weren't there a day I would miss you alot. It scared me at first until I realized that everything that I had ever had to help me from becoming to attached had just been torn down and you had been placed in my heart. You were the first friend that I have ever told that I loved them and i actually meant it. I didnt know what to think about that but I am so glad everyday now that I didn't push you back out (not that you would have allowed it either way).

Eight grade year we were split apart but we still remained best friends someway and somehow. But you know that if God put something together then it was meant to be and they will always come back together somehow. Yes, before you ask I do believe we were meant to meet each other and become best friends. We are so different in many things like our taste or food up until our favorite color. But we always have many things in common like the fact that we are both really big Directions and ship Larry and Elounor. You are my missing part ( is it just me or is this sounding like a love story)

Ninth grade then came and we now had Health class together so we now get to see each other each and every day like we use to. For awhile everything was all butterflies and rainbows. But then like every cliche love story something just had to come and ruin it. You started talking to my cousin more and more and my abondenment issues started to kick in and I felt that you we were replacing. I thought that this was gonna be the end of the friend ship we once had. I wasn't ready to let you go but I felt like that was the thing to do. If it was what you wanted then I would give you it.

The depression that had started was getting worse and it made it seem like that you would be perfectly fine without me. You should have meet my cousin first and then I would never have had to be become best friends with you and then I would not feel the hurt I was feeling and you wouldn't have to worry about me always being there trying to get your attention. Was I not good enough for you? Were you bored with being friends with me? All you had to do was tell me I would have understood.

I never really did have to let you go. Our friends could see how far apart we had grown and we started talking about it. I told you I understood your reasons. And I didn't but I did feel like she was more important than me still. But I never mentioned it to you because I didn't want to start another argument so I just keep everything to myself. We got mostly on track again.

Then summer came and you went to band camp and got all of these wonderful band friends that all wanted to hang out with Perrie, so your other friends now had to share you with your new friends. And to top it all off your birthday was coming up...

We went to see spider man. Me and you didn't really talk you were talking to Jessica and Antonae. After the movie we went to your grandmas house and it was even more awkward than I thought it was going to be you and Jessica were looking at your phone the whole time just laying on the floor and Antonae was talking to you two. I was sitting there texting my friend wishing I told you that my mom had said I couldn't come but I guess I was just going to have to deal with it.

The summer finally was over we didn't much after the day we went to the movies and to be honest I missed you like crazy.

We talked occasionaly over the next few months and you were there for me. I had thought constantly about telling you I couldn't be your friend again but everytime I thought about it something would come along and tell me it wasn't the right thing to do.

So yeah we have had our ups and downs. We have fought and we have had our many shares of hours of random phone calls. But all we have been through has only brought us closer and I am glad that you are my best it's been over three years and those have been the best three years of my life. We have almost been married a year now and you have been my valentine and I wouldn't change that for anything.



Your best friend/ Wife

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