chapter 7

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"We open up to see peter about ready to introduce himself to team RWBY"

Peter: right it's rude of me not to introduce myself hi my name is peter stark and believe it or not I am from a different universe

Soul: did I forget to mention he was what spiked the sensors

RWBY: wait he spiked the sensors how strong is he

Soul: I'd say when it comes to swordsmanship he is almost at my level

RWBY: what's your level of swordsmanship because we have only seen you fight with your fist

Soul: so do you know the level of that of a witcher and the legend himself link

Weiss: yeah they are extremely skilled in swordsmanship why do you ask

Soul: well to answer your question weiss it's simple it's because I have fought against both and won with just swordsmanship and I am even self trained to use two sword style and three sword style

RWBY: whaaaaat you must be joking right because that means you are over a hundred years old

Soul: well in theory yes but you are wrong because if you remember yang and ruby in the group that came to train me

Yang: oh yeah I remember seeing link there and fighting against him

Ruby: now that you mention it yeah I remember that

WB: wait yang you fought against link himself

Yang: yeah thought he didn't even try against me and won

Soul: well yeah that's to me expected because he was trained to handle almost everything even people that fight bare handed

Yang: yeah I guess you're right but that begs to question how did you win against him

Soul: well that's because I went through the trails to become a witcher

Weiss:how only 1 in 10 people survive that

Soul: (looks at weiss with a bruh face) that is the single most stupid question I have heard

Ruby: soul that was rude

Soul: why it's true because you literally answer your question by asking the question and that answer is I am 1 in 10 people

Ruby: ok but still try not to be as rude next time please

Soul: I make no promises

Ruby: soul please

Soul: I will try but like I said make no promises

Ruby: fine I guess that will due

Peter: (cough cough) did you guys forget I am here

Everyone-peter: sorry

"They ended up talking for a couple hours then they all went to bed but that didn't last long because team RWBY and soul with peter were called to the headmasters office for a mission"

Soul: so much for sleep

RWBY: yeah tell us about it

Peter: wait you guys were sleeping

everyone -peter: yeah what were you doing

Peter: working on a blueprint for something I am planning on making

E-peter: oh ok well this is your first mission so don't fall asleep

Soul: peter after this mission you should probably head back to you world because your mom is most likely extremely worried about where you are

Peter: yeah but I will come and visit from time to time and we can jump dimensions again

Soul: sounds good well let's get to the office to see what the mission is about

"We watch as they talked and walked to the office which took a bit since it was on the other side of the campus"

Ozpin: glad you all could join me sit down so I can brief you on the mission

Soul: nah I think I will stand so I won't fall asleep

Ozpin: that's fine now on to business the light elves have started to get exceptionally close to vale and we need all of team RWBY to fight them off except for soul

RWBY: why not him

Ozpin: because there are ancients and draugr coming from the opposite side and I know for a fact that he can handle them by himself

Soul: thank you for the complement

Ozpin: now before you go soul you will be going north-east from the middle of the village

RWBY: so that means that we will go south-west with peter coming with us or is he going to go with soul

Ozpin: good question and yes you will go south-west and peter will head with you guys and leave soul to what he does best

RWBY+peter: hai we will start heading there as soon as possible

Ozpin: now go soul already got a head start

RWBYP: what we didn't even hear him leave

Ozpin: stop taking and goo

"We watch as they rush to the bullheads and then we jump over to soul already holding the blades of chaos and is almost at his destination"

Soul: finally I get a actual warm up and not those weak grimm (sees some draugr and throws his blades and sticks them into the closes draugr and pull yourself toward it)let the fun begin

"After soul said this he used the cyclone of chaos then after the surrounding draugr that got hit got launched back against the other draugr the soul jumps into the air and pull off tartarus rage after he landed the ancients showed up and soul not wanting to deal with multiple at a time separated them and fought them one on one and for each one he finished them fast by using his electrobolt after he finished them he went back to beacon and told ozpin that you whipped them out and waited for the others to show"

"After a while the others showed up and saw soul waiting for them and shocked he was able to finish before them"

Ozpin: I see you guys finished with the light elves well because of that you guys will have to day off so you don't have to go to classes so you can rest easy or just do what you want

Everyone-ozpin: hai thank you sir we appreciate that

Ozpin: you're welcome now go get some rest

E-O: hai

"We wake up the next day to see that peter is about to head back to his dimension"

Soul: see ya man take care of yourself

Peter: see ya man I will but you should do the same

Soul: yeah yeah

"After peter takes off and went back to his original dimension soul went to the cafeteria and ordered all the meat they had and eat it and with that the screen fades to black"

"You will find peter on the adventures of peter stark"

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