chapter 2

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"We open up a couple of days after Geralt and the others took soul away from his abusive family"

Ruby: dad why would you let them take him

Tai: I don't know I think I was drunk and not in the right mind

Yang: please we have to do something to get him back please

Tai: ok I will try and have the cops look for him and if they can't find him we will look for him ourselves but for right now you guys need to worry about your studies if you want to go to beacon academy

Ruby & Yang: yes dad

"Now we jump back to the present and we see soul heading off to get the ingredients for the trail of grasses"

Geralt: make sure to come back alive soul and remember you training

Soul: I know I know besides when have I ever not been careful

Geralt: do I need to name of the huge list of dangerous stuff that you have done

Soul: (hangs his head) no but tell the others I said I will see you guys later

Geralt: will do see ya kid

"We are going to skip to about a month later when soul just got back with the ingredients"

Soul: (yells) hey anyone here I am back

Luffy: soul welcome back

Everyone: welcome back

Geralt: well come on kid let's get to making the stuff needed to finish the trial of grasses

Soul: right let's go

"We watch as they make the alchemical potions needed to finish the trial of grasses"

Geralt: ok soul are you ready

Soul: as ready as I'll ever be

"We see soul get strapped down to a table and geralt pouring the alchemical potions down soul's throat as soul is jerking around from the extreme amount of pain the alchemical potions have on the person drinking them and this went on for a couple of minutes until soul drank all the alchemical potions"

Soul: god that hurt like a bitch

Geralt: yeah I know it has a high chance to kill someone because less the 1 in 10 people survive the trail of grasses

Soul: I must be one lucky son of a bitch if I survived the trail

Geralt: that you are but now it's time for the next trial the trial of the dreams

Soul: so what do I need to know about this trial of the dreams

Geralt: Well not much is known even when you have gone through it. The only thing that we know for sure is that it continues to mutate the eyes, bone marrow, and hormones of The Witcher. It helps set Witchers apart from the rest of humanity, and pushes them past their breaking point

Soul: ok well how do i start the trail of the dreams

Geralt: It consisted of druidic ritual involving incense, chanting and inducing a trance

Soul: how long will it take to set up

Geralt: it will take about a week to set up

Soul: is there anything I can do to help

Geralt: no for now just get some rest you will need it

"For you witcher fans the trail of grasses will not make him infertility like it does in the show and games. We will also be skipping over the trial of the dreams because that is more of a mental thing"

Geralt: well it seems like you did well during the trial of the dreams

Soul: thanks also how many more trials are there that i have to do

Geralt: you are about to do your final one the trial of the mountains

Soul: so what do I have to to for this trial of the mountains

Geralt: simple you will go to those mountains over there and survive for the next 11 months

Soul: that's not to bad why is this the final trial

Geralt: that's because up there it doesn't matter how heightened your senses, or potent your potions, the Mountains and the creatures that surround you can kill you

Soul: hahahaha you're joking right

Geralt: nope sorry man but get up there and show me you are ready to be a true witcher

Soul: Hai (gets ready and heads up the mountain)ok for now let's find a good spot to set up camp

"Soul finds a good spot to set up camp but not before he is attacked by multiple different creatures that live on top of the mountain he fights his way through and on some nights he couldn't get any sleep because he could sense that something is watching him waiting for it's time to strike and this ends up going on for the entire 11 months and he finally got to head back down the mountain and back to the village"

Soul: yo everyone I am back

Geralt: welcome back witcher I would like you to come with me really quick I have something to give you

Soul: ok oh is it a new sword or a new outfit

Geralt: just follow me

Soul: fine

"They walk into the house that they are staying in for the time being and geralt walks over to one of the loose floorboards and lifts it up and pulls a box out"

Geralt: I geralt of rivia bestow upon you the wolf school jacket and shirt with Decadencia Verde Tactical Armor-Weave Pants and the sword black unicorn take good care of that sword

Soul: thank you and I will take good care of black unicorn I promise

Geralt: good now head over to the open field jack is waiting over there

Soul: ok I will see you later then bye

Geralt: bye kid and don't die right after you became a witcher

Soul: I won't bye

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