chapter 8

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(we open up to the next day and we see soul talking with ozpin)

Soul: so why did you want to see me ozpin

Ozpin: the reason I wanted to see you is because I want you to train the next generation of huntsmen and huntresses

Soul: no I only train who I see as worthy to handle my training

Ozpin: ok then who do you see worthy to train

Soul: there are only a few that I see worthy and they are ruby, yang, Weiss, and Blake they are the only ones I see worthy of my training we except for jaune and Pyrrha

Ozpin: I see well do you want your own room for training them

Soul: that would be appreciated thank you make sure that it is empty I will fill it up myself

Ozpin: ok but why is that

Soul: that is not of your concern

Ozpin: I see that's fine I will get you a room as fast as possible

Soul: thank you

Ozpin: you're welcome

(after they had their conversation soul went into the wilderness and we see soul collecting a lot of weird looking rocks then heading into the workshop right as ruby walked in)

Soul: hey ruby how's it going

Ruby: good what are you doing

Soul: I am working on something that will go into the training room ozpin is making me

Ruby: oh cool who are you going to train because I know you aren't going to just train anyone

Soul: you are right well the people that I am going to train are you, Weiss, Blake, yang, jaune, and Pyrrha

Ruby: wait I get to get trained by you this is going to be so cool are you going to train me how to use your weapons

Soul: well that's up to you

Ruby: wait so you would be willing to teach me how to wield the blades of chaos

Soul: well in a sense yes but I won't actually let you use the blades of chaos because your body wouldn't be able to hand the immense amount of power that is stored in those blades

Ruby: oh ok well that's still pretty good also could you teach me hand to hand combat because I don't want to be that person that relies on their weapon

Soul: yeah I can do that is there anything else you want to learn

Ruby: maybe the spear

Soul: ok well go tell the rest of your team and jaune and Pyrrha to meet me at the top floor gym area at 5 am

Ruby: right well see you later

Soul: see ya rose bud

(as ruby went off she was blushing by the nickname he gave her and right before she told the others she calmed down and told them)

Ruby: yo team meeting everyone into the living room

WBY: what's this about

Ruby: well ozpin let soul have his own training room and when I went to do some maintenance on crescent rose I saw soul working on something and asked what he is making and he said something for his training room and I asked if he was going to train anybody and he said he was going to train all of us and jaune and Pyrrha he also wants us to meet him on the top floor at the gym area at 5 am

WBY: wait are you serious right now

Ruby: yeah and he said he is willing to train in any from of fighting he knows

WBY: wow that is amazing

Ruby: yeah so get your training gear on before 5 because that is when practice starts

WBY: Hai also go tell jaune and Pyrrha

Ruby: right

"We watch as ruby leaves and enters the dorm next to theirs to tell jaune and Pyrrha then after she did that she went back to her dorm and played the binding of Isaac till 4:30 then got the others ready and they all meet at the top floor gym"

Soul: now that you all are here I am going to ask all of you what weapons do want to learn how to use

Ruby: well I want to learn how to fight in hand to hand combat and with other weapons especially the spear

Yang: I want to learn how to use a sword and if possible the leviathan axe

Soul: that could be arraigned now for the rest of you guys

Blake: I think it would be cool if I got to learn how to use the draupnir spear and blades of chaos

soul: I can teach you how to use the draupnir sear but not the blades of chaos

Blake: but why

soul: simple because very very few are adept to the blades and if you aren't then it will lead to a painful death

Blake: oh um ok then what about the lightsaber

soul: oh that's a good choice

Weiss: I would like to learn how to use the malorian arms 3516 and leviathan axe

jaune: I would like to learn the spear and Wado Ichimonji

Pyrrha: I would like to learn the lightsaber and Haki

soul: color me surprised I didn't know any of you would know what Haki is

Everyone -Pyrrha: what in the world is Haki

Soul: Haki is a power that has three different types each with a different ability one allows you to anticipate anyone's movements one is like a coating produced from the user's own body and the third and rarest is let's you use your will to either knock out of cause them to kneel depending on how strong your will is

everyone: holy shit that sounds powerful can you train us to use it

soul: maybe if you can wield your weapons you want me to train you in properly and if I can trust you to not train anyone else in Haki without asking me if it's ok

everyone: right understood sensei

soul: nope we aren't doing that

everyone: fine

soul: good now let's get to training

everyone: yeah lets go

Soul: ok now when i say to do something do it don't argue or i will revoke your training do i make myself clear

Everyone: Hai

Soul: good now everyone that wants to learn how to use a sword or lightsaber go over to those dummies over there (i point to the dummies on the right of the training zone)and (i point to a different set of dummies) everyone who wants to learn the draupnir and leviathan axe go to those dummies

Everyone: (jaune, Pyrrha, and Blake go to the first set of dummies and and Weiss, ruby, and yang go to the other set of dummies) ok now what

Soul: I am going to give each of you one thing to work on and as you get better I will add more to what you should learn

(with that the screen fades to black and show the shatter moon high in the sky)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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