chapter 4

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"As we open up we see two girls talking to each other about what happened ten years ago"

???: hey ruby do you think we will get to see soul again

Ruby: I don't know yang but I do hope he comes to beacon because before we started abusing him he would always be talking about how going to beacon was his dream and I don't think I could live with myself knowing it was because of us that he gave up his dream

Yang: hey it's ok and look on the bright side if he is here you could impress him with you fighting skills you learned over the years besides after all these years you still have a crush on him

Ruby: (starts blushing hard) I do not where do you get that idea

Yang: for starters for the past five years I have heard you moaning soul's name so if that is not enough evidence than i don't know what is

Ruby: (passes out from to much embarrassment)

Yang: tall about a wipe out

"Also forgot to say they are on a bullhead to beacon while they were talking"

???: yeah you're telling me I heard that from over there

Yang: wow either she fell pretty hard or you have great senses

???: I'd say a bit of both also it's been a while yang

Yang: what do you mean and how do you know my name

???: simple really I have grown up with you till I was seven

Yang: wait a minute the only person that knows that is soul but he has green hair not white

???: trust me I am soul

Yang: ok if you are soul tell me one thing only soul would know

Soul: ok well you ruby and tai all blamed me for summer dying and raven leaving

Yang: ok ok I believe you just no more

Ruby: (gets up) so yang what did I miss

Soul: me introducing myself after 10 years

Ruby: wait does that mean you have been stalking us

Yang: no he is saying he is soul

Ruby: soul is that really you

Soul: in the flesh

Ruby: (run and hugs soul) I am sorry for everything I have done to you and I know you probably won't forgive me but

Soul: it's ok I forgave you and yang long ago besides it's tai that I am going to beat the ever loving life out of him and send him to helheim where he belongs

Ruby: wait I thought helheim and all the other realms were just rumors

Yang: yeah so how do you know they are real

Soul: simple I have traveled back from one of the realms after my training was done

Ruby: wow that's so cool you should take me to one of the realms

Soul: maybe when I can put more trust in you

Ruby & yang: (saddened) ok

"The bullhead lands and all the students get off of it and start heading toward a large ass building"

Soul: damn that's one big ass building

Yang: yeah also soul why did you forgive us

Soul: well that's because you were under the influence of your father he is the only one I will not forgive

Ruby & yang: please forgive him we promise he has changed

Soul: sure a man like that changing very funny joke you guys got

Yang: we aren't joking because the day after you left with those guys he realized his mistake and started looking for you for months we were as well

Soul: if you say so anyways we should head to the auditorium and wait for ozpin to say his speech which I think is pretty bland

Ruby: how do you know what his speech is

Soul: a skill of mine that I can teach anyone I see as worth to teach

Ruby: can you teach me

Soul: maybe when you are a bit older

Ruby: wha why not teach me now

Soul: now before you get mad it's because you are too irresponsible and childish

Ruby: I am not irresponsible and childish

Yang: yes you are don't deny your own nature

Soul: that is another reason you must accept your nature so you can fix the problems that you find inside yourself and not just the flaws that people point out to you

Ruby: ok but how do I accept my nature

Soul: you must meditate

Ruby: oh I see now

"We see them head into the auditorium and listen to ozpin's speech then head into the ballroom to sleep and as everyone else is asleep we see soul get up and walk to the roof with a follower cough ruby cough and he starts to meditate when he hears the door open"

Soul: what took you so long

Ruby: how did you know I was following you

Soul: another one of my many skills now come and meditate with me

Ruby: ok (walks over and gets into a meditation position) so how do I meditate

Soul: simple just close your eyes and clear the your mind

"Ruby starts to close her eyes and empty her mind but can't because of the ambient noise around her"

Ruby: I don't think I can do it there is to much noise

Soul: here let me show you (he then closes his eyes and successfully cleared his mind and went it to a coma like state)

Ruby: soul did you do it soul

"All she gets is silence and once again the ambient noise"

Ruby: wow that is amazing

"We then see soul leave this coma like state and look at ruby"

Soul: did you see what I did

Ruby: well all I saw is you meditating

Soul: exactly the point I am trying to get at is you must learn how to block out the noise subconsciously

Ruby: oh I see well we should probably head back and sleep but we will continue more on meditating

Soul: sounds fine with me let's go

"As they walk back their hands brush against each others hand and they both start to blush"

Soul: (blushing) well I should get going

Ruby: see ya good night soul

Soul: good night ruby sleep tight

"With that the screen fades black and all we see is the shattered moon glowing in the night sky"

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