Chapter 48

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~ Author's Note ~

You guys seen the adorable pictures of Lewy, Gavi, and Pedri watching the Valencia match together today yet? Well, if you haven't, then no worries, because here you are !

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I love my Barcelona boys <33

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I love my Barcelona boys <33.

Ah, and, anyway, back to the story! Just figured I may as well bless my lovely readers with some lovely pictures.

𝑶𝒉 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌. 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒆.

Before Pablo goes to training, he drops me back off at my building. I rush in, and I grin widely when I see Charli and Aggie, relaxing. They both have night shifts, which is why they're always around during the day. Charli is reading a book, which is an uncommon occurrence, and Aggie is playing solitaire, which is not an uncommon occurrence. She is kind of an old lady that way. Maybe she and Pablo would have a fun time playing rummy or something together.

"What's got you looking so cheerful, huh?" Charli asks, looking up from her book.

I say, without thinking, "Me and my man finally got together!"

Charli's eyes narrow. "Don't you have a boyfriend."

Aggie chuckles. "Things are complicated with her. She didn't actually. But you and that guy you told me about? He finally asked you?"

I nervously giggle, nodding, "To put it much more simpler than how it really happened, yes, he finally asked me. And know we are established boyfriend and girlfriend. It's really exciting!"

"Oh my God, Em, what haven't you told me about? How come I haven't met him?! Is he a cutey, or what? Is he hot? Please tell me he's strong. What are the colors of his hair and eyes?! What's his name even."

"Whoa, that's a lot of questions," I laugh, sitting down on the couch next to Aggie. "I haven't told you a lot of things. He doesn't want people to know we're dating. He's very cute and very hot. He's super strong. His eyes and hair are brown. And... I can't tell you his name, because you can't know who he is."

"Aw, c'mon, Em," Charli sighs. "Why not?! Why would he want to keep it secret...?"

"Uhm," I clear my throat, then say lamely, "He's just kind of like that... He's a..." It's hard to explain without blatantly saying it's because he's a famous footballer and he hates the concept of the media and fans knowing every single personal fact about him. "Oh, never mind."

"Oh, come on, Em," says even Aggie. "We are very curious. At least tell us his name. It's not like we'll know him or anything." Yeah, you're right. You won't know him. But you'll want to know him, without a doubt.

It is this point that I realise I have to make up a fake boyfriend, in order to please them, that isn't Gavi, but is close enough to Gavi that he fits with my stories. I sigh. "Okay, you guys, I'll tell you, but don't tell anyone. I just love him so much, I can't not tell you guys." Both my friends look very pleased at this comment. "Uh, okay, so his name is... Cris. He's super hot. He's a... he really likes race car driving, and he's super in fit... He's kind of a quiet guy, but he loves quality time, and he has a heart of gold."

"Oh my God," Charli says almost right away. "You've got to show us a picture of him."


"Oh, heh, hey, yeah, sure," I say, trying not to sound nervous. I quickly look up 'hot guys' on Pinterest, and click the first one of a guy with brown hair and brown eyes. This random dude, who is in no way even nearly as handsome as Gavi, is wearing an expensive-looking jacket and holding a little dog. I show it to them, explaining a lie that comes off the top of my head very quickly, "I was texting him, and he sent me that picture of him and his dog. Isn't it so adorable?!"

"Oh, wow, Em..." Aggie says. "He really is. Well, I'm so glad you're happy and... I hope it goes good." Which is her saying I hope he doesn't break up with you, and I'll be with you if he does, just with the much nicer, shorter words of I hope it goes good.

Luckily, I won't break up with Cris with his dog, because there is no Cris, and he has no dog, and I certainly am not dating him.

Then I go to my room, and I have a new will to do something with my life, again. The only thing is, I'm out of school, and I'm working at some random coffee shop. So what do I really want to do with myself? What is really my dream?


And it always have been, but I've just never been good at it. Besides, it is too late in my life to go chasing a football carrier. Maybe I'd have had a chance about ten years ago, but even then, I just wasn't good enough, no matter how much I trained.

I want to help people.

But how do I help people?

I think about to when I was talking to Pablo, just earlier today, and how I said I thought he has anxiety. Was I right? Or have I just worried him for no reason? But it felt so good to just listen to him, and try to figure out what was wrong with him. I just enjoying listening to him. And I always have.

There's no job for listening to people.

Oh, wait, yeah, there is. It's what Aggie is going to night school for!

A psychologist.

I've always thought that sounded like an boring old lady thing. Nothing fun. In fact, I always considered stuff like that stupid. It's not like there's an adrenaline, but I'm sure it'd be interesting, right?

I'll think on it more.

I've been a feelings kind of girl, but I've always been a listening kind of girl. So maybe, just maybe, I could consider that as a job.

~ Author's Note ~

Gavi hugging Balde after the match on the pitch <333

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