Chapter 66

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~ Author's Note ~

God must've been in a really good mood when he made Pablo Gavi.

𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑰 𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒘 𝒂 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔...? 𝑰 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌.

"𝐄𝐌! What the heck is going on with you?!" Charli attacks me as soon as I enter our flat. "First you run out so suddenly, then you come back the next morning all upset, and then you leave again that day looking so nervous and intense, and now you're back again, looking like a grinning, blushing schoolgirl! What the hell has been going on with you, and why are you avoiding telling us?! Aren't we friends, for God's sake? Aren't friends supposed to look out for each other? You're not accepting our looking out for you and caring about you, and instead, you're just ignoring us and going out and coming back with all these different emotions that you've got to tell somebody, obviously, but you're refusing to tell us! We tell you everything! So what the hell is the big secret, huh?! You pregnant or something? Sleeping around? Cheating on Cris? Because if you are, you know we wouldn't love you as a friend any less! In fact, I'm start to love you a lot less, by the way you've been ignoring and avoiding and acting towards us!"

It's kind of a situation of strange, confusing, mixed up emotions, to be so obsessed and excited and longing about Pablo, and all the sudden come back into my flat and immediately have my friend attack me about how much of a horrible friend I've been being, and guilting me. It's a lot to process, that's for sure. I have no idea what to say, so Aggie steps in to calm down the situation. She slips in between us, saying, "Hey, girls, calm down. Charli, you don't have to yell at her about it. Consider her, too. It's true that she probably shouldn't be hiding so much from us, but yelling at her isn't going to do anything. Why don't we all just sit down for some lunch and talk it out in a respectful and civilized way, eh?"

I nod right away, saying, "Uh, yeah, right, Aggie, that sounds like a great idea!" I'm getting a little nervous. I'm going to have to think up some really good, convincing lies, and really fast.

Aggie nods with a relieved sigh, and goes to prepare food for the three of us. I sit at the table, waiting for my food, dreaming of Pablo, just wondering what he has planned for me this evening...

I remind myself that instead of fantasizing about Pablo right now, I should probably be trying to come with a good lie to spit to my friends. I honestly hate having to lie to my friends, but even more honestly, I love Pablo way more than I hate lying to my friends. I mean, I obviously love him way more than I love my friends, so that's probably exactly why. It makes complete sense. And honestly, what my friends are thinking are just about apart of the least of my problems right now in my life.

But, they're good, and they're concerned, so I think I just better practice lying here and now to assure them that everything is alright. I don't have to lie all the way. I'll just lie as much as I have to, is all.


I hope so.

Aggie comes in with some tacos for the three of us, made the way we like, because she's such a sweetie, she remembers such things.

Once we're all seated with our foods and drinks, silently, Charli is about to start blabbing again, and me and Aggie both see it, so Aggie, once again, comes to my rescue. She says simply, "How come you left so quickly that first time, yesterday?"

I clear my throat, shifting uncomfortably before saying simply, "Cris just called, is all, and promised some... well, he promised things I was excited for, so that's why I moved so quickly to get to his house. I'm not gonna go into what he promised though, because that's kind of too much information," I add a lighthearted chuckle at the end. Yeah, wow, Cris is so hot.


"Is this Cris guy really good for you?! I mean, he doesn't even want to let you introduce him to your friends... He won't let you. Right? Sounds kind of dangerous, Em. And you've been having all these ups and downs lately, it seems. Is he really good for you, or are you only with him for the pleasure, huh? Because I care about you, and if you're in a bad relationship, then obviously I want you to get out of that relationship!" Charli says, crossing her arms over her chest.

Even though this Cris guy is a complete guy; completely make believe, for some reason, I still get mad. Maybe because to me, it feels like she's saying my relationship with Gavi isn't good, and that makes me mad. Because our relationship has no issues.

Or at least I think, I hope, it doesn't have any issues...?

"We... don't have any problems, Charli," I say with a sigh. "Thanks for your concern, but I'm fine, so therefore, you have no reason to be concerned. We're fine, and even if we weren't, there'd be nothing you could do about it, unfortunately, because, last time I checked, this is my life, not yours, right? So you can live your life however the hell you want to, and I'll do the same, and I reckon we don't judge each other for it, unless we ask for advice and judgment. I don't want help in this relationship I'm in, and I'm just fine, and I'm doing well, and I don't need your help right now. I'd rather keep it quiet. I'm sorry if it seems rude that I'm not hanging out with you girls as much, but... Cris is just really important to me, and I just want to focus on him right now, where we're at, okay? It's nothing against you, and I'm fine, but in this relationship right now, I just want to be left to myself. Thanks for understanding guys."

I stand up and leave the room, leaving my half-eaten taco, because I think I've said all I need to, and I don't need to hear what sort of responses they'll have right now.

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