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author's note: thank you for being patient!! we finally achieved 10 votes on this story and i highly appreciate it, and like i promised, here is chapter 2! i will try to make this and the upcoming chapters worth the wait :)

artist of this chapter's thumbnail: lujji on deviantart


Sonic was still busy dealing with his inner conflict, his alter ego continuing to attempt to pry control from the blue hedgehog as Sonic's friends and his nemesis battled.

"Why won't you just give up! I think I'd do more in the world than YOU if I had control!" The golden maniac hedgehog exclaimed, smiling at the blue hedgehog with his sharp teeth.

"I don't think so! I need to go out and save my friends, who knows what's happening to them as we speak? No means no, I'm not, and I will never hand over control to you! I hardly even know who you are!" Sonic spat back, narrowing his eyes at Fleetway.

"PFFFFFTTT!! Save your FRIENDS? Don't make me laugh! I'm not letting that happen, because I'M in control here of your consciousness! I can make us stay here all day if I need to! I mean.. that'd be boorriinnggg.. but still! I'll do it to spite you! Hah!"

Sonic was losing his patience as each minute passed, this wasn't going anywhere. His main objective is to go and help out his friends, he's aware they're capable, but this is the first time they battled without him. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Sonic began to think to himself, "How am I gonna regain my consciousness? I certainly can't let him have control, but I don't know what else to do."

"..You know I can hear your thoughts right?" Fleetway spoke with half-lidded eyes, staring at the blue hedgehog who was in thought. 

"You HOLLOW MINDED SWINE! This is your mind space, and we're BOTH residing in it. You're STUPID! IDIOTTT!! How can someone as STUPID  as you ever find a way to get out of here huh? Keep DREAMING!" Fleetway spat out at the blue hedgehog. He then began manically laughing, holding his stomach.


Sonic glared at the yellow hedgehog, "Would you shut up?! You're really irritating, you know! I've had enough of this! Let me out of here already!" He demanded.

"Nnnooo thanks, it's fun to mess with you, because you're so stupid! Hah!"

Sonic growled in annoyance.


Amy froze, her eyes widening as the giant missile headed towards her.

She gripped onto her trusty hammer tightly, and instinctively swung it at the missile that was merely inches away from her, deflecting it.

The missile flew back into the opposite direction it was originally flying at incredibly high speed, now heading towards to the one who launched it.

"What?! Eek!" The fat egg shrieked, seated in his egg mobile. Two machines emerged from the sides of the egg mobile, shooting the missile causing it to explode mid-air.

"Just you wait! When that rodent gets here, I'll make sure ALL of you have a taste of DEFEAT!" He shouted, "A taste that I've had many times..." He muttered. "Hrrghh!" Eggman growled, clenching his fist up at Amy and Knuckles, then proceeding to fly away towards his base.

The red echidna ran up to the pink hedgehog, still in shock.

"Amy, are you okay?! That was a close one."

"Uh..  yeah.. I'm fine. I just didn't expect that really." She replied, sweating from panic.

"Good to know that we're both in one piece. Where's Tails and Sonic? He didn't show up this time which is really surprising.. I've got to admit, I'm worried about them."

"Tails was trying to find Sonic actually.. it seems like he still hasn't found him. Otherwise, we would've gotten a call by now."

"Strange.. we should go look for him too now that Eggman's out of the way, for now at least."

"I agree. Let's go, and thanks for helping out."

"No probs."

The two then dashed off to find their friends.


author's note: sorry for this chapter being underwhelming, the next won't disappoint you all i'm sure! thank you all for being so patient and supportive. i hope you enjoyed this chapter! see you next time!

word count: 693

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