Part-1(Smile please)

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"Do you think world is the best place to dwell in?" asks the stranger who was sitting on the chair in the dark room.

"I think yes, we're the living beings that can do the best for our nature and can spread awareness among people to make this world even better." The person sitting beside the stranger spoke as he wiped down the sweat dripping down from his forehead. He was rather looking refreshing when he'd actually be tired. Soon, another person also joined in their conversation as he scoffed first before he poured the water in his mouth from water bottle.

"I don't think the world can ever be a better place again. You can see how people are dirty and cruel and it's really really hard to make this world a better place. I'd rather say the best place over here is the boxing ground."
The person spoke as he took a seat beside one of them. He wiped down the sweat from his forehead as he looks tired. But not gonna lie, he looks really handsome but he has a cold facade on. The other one sighed in frustration.

"Jungkook, why are you always negative? Now, you're thinking that the boxing ground is a best place than our Earth???"
He spoke in pure disappointment but Jungkook didn't speak anything as he took out his earphones from his bag. Soon, plugging it in his ears as he inhaled and exhaled calmly.

"Jungkook, answer me!" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he stood up from the chair with the bag around his arms.

"Because that's what I think, Jimin." He spoke as he started exiting that room. Jimin took an audible breathe, totally done with Jungkook. He also threw his bag on his shoulders as he kept a firm grip around the straps. He took a glance at that stranger.

"Hwangsik we'd come again on next weekend." He spoke as Hwangsik nods his head. He greets him with a smile before they waved their goodbyes to each other.


Soon, Jimin exited the boxing center as he stopped and smirked, looking at Jungkook who was standing by the side of the light pole and whistling to a song. He was also kicking the stones on the road. Jimin realised that he was waiting for him as he soon reached him, giving a small slap on his back. Jungkook groaned and without even looking at Jimin, he already realised that he's back.

"Looks like someone was waiting for me." Jimin spoke as he wiggled his eyebrows, trying to tease Jungkook but guess what, it didn't affect him to that extent.

"Oh c'mon Jimin, I always wait for you over here. Our story is not hare and tortoise where tortoise will leave the hare to win the race. Such a heartless tortoise it was." He spoke as Jimin just look at him traumatizingly, surely not expecting this type of answer from him.

"Wha-What? What does that mean?" He asked, quite bewildered by his statement. "Not only you got a small figure but you also got a small brain." He spoke while sighing in defeat. Jimin looked at him as anger rushed down his body.

"Hey, to whom you're calling small?!" He spoke, infuriated as Jungkook laughed before he started running away from a dangerous Jimin who wasn't leaving him instead he was chasing him."Hahahaha, sorry Jimin. I don't mean anything." He spoke as Jimin stopped chasing him. After a while, Jungkook also stopped as he took a huge breathe, again coming back to Jimin.

"Now, you've to offer me a treat." He spoke wickedly as Jungkook sighed in defeat. He can never beat Jimin's stubbornness. "Okay, okay, what do you want?" He asks as Jimin thought for awhile before a smile apparently forms on his lips.

"Why don't we go to a club and enjoy ourselves?" He spoke but Jungkook just looked at him in disbelief. It doesn't mean it's his first time visiting clubs but it's already dark pitched night and he doesn't want his mom and dad to get worried sick for him.

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