Part-8(My Deskmate)

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It was a gloomy Sunday evening and I'm here in this boxing centre, practicing and improving my punches and other boxing tactics.

Well, if I'd be honest then I'm here to vanish Y/N from my mind. Yes, she has been in my mind since Friday and I'm kind of feeling irritated for that. The fact that I'm feeling downhearted for her isn't at all dissolving.

Why am I feeling sad? We were just frenemies. Isn't it?

Or did I think her more than a frenemy?

I shook my head when I realised what nonsense I was thinking. I can never think her more than a frenemy. But now that she has told me to maintain distance between each other, I'd respect her decision. I'll even try my best to create distance which is good for us, I guess.

I threw some harsh punches on the punching bag as sweat started dripping down my forehead. I was becoming tired but to distract my mind, I was still punching the bag, releasing my anger out.

"Where is Jimin today?" Hwangsik asked me as he swayed his head here and there, trying to find Jimin. I stopped punching as I looked at Hwangsik, my breathing was uneven.

"Well, he's not here today. He said he'd be practicing his choreographies in weekend." I spoke as Hwangsik just nodded his head, he took a seat on the chair, sighing frustratedly.

"Well, what's the matter? You can tell me out." I spoke as he looked at me with a smile. A smile in which nervousness was clearly being displayed.

"If I'd tell you. Would you tell to anyone?" I looked at him in confusion as he was looking here and there, like he's hiding something. Sometimes, I think this man is of unsound mind.

"Well, depends on you. If you want me to say then I'll say to the one you're talking about and if not, then I can keep it as a secret." I spoke without hesitation as he soon nods his head but something caught me out of sudden, his blushed red cheeks.

"Umm I actually like Jimin." He spoke shortly as I looked at him with my wide eyes. He likes Jimin? What?! How didn't I think something like that? But as far as I know, Jimin is proudly straight.

But if this man would seduce him, then I guess it'll not take a minute for Jimin to become gay.

I mean he can easily switch his personality like chameleon.

A true chameleon indeed!

"Well, then why don't you give a try? Perhaps, Jimin would be liking you as well." I spoke, like what else I can speak more than this? I can only push him or support him in this matter. His cheeks became dark red as he hangs his head low like a high-schooler girl.

What a creep?!

"But how? Do you know what Jimin likes? I mean you're his best friend afterall." He spoke to me as I thought for awhile. An idea soon snapped in my head.

"He likes girls." I spoke and soon I can see his face changing from blushy one to sad one. Oh no! I'd not have said this. It'll demotivate him more.

"Ohh sorry, he likes ballet. So, why don't you give him a pair of pointe shoes? It'd make him happy to some extent and may be he can accept your confession." I spoke briefly as he looked at me in horror, I know he must've been shocked after hearing ballet and Jimin. Well, I was also shocked at first when I heard Jimin wants to become a ballet dancer from his mouth.

Well, Jimin and ballet is indeed a perfect combo but why didn't I think of it before?

"Really?! Jimin likes ballet?! That's so surprising. You know what, I also like ballet and I also went to see the last performance of ballet at Kwon theatre..." He spoke and without his realisation, his voice raised a bit in excitement. I coughed as he realised that he was being overexcited. He became all over red again.

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