Part-2 (Trouble)

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I was sitting by the tree as I was leaning my head against the stem. This tree is like my best friend because everytime I feel hot, I sit under this tree and this tree always protects me from the sun like a cover. I closed my eyes as I can feel the tree leaves rustling rhythmically. I just want none to disturb me at this moment. I just really want some free time for me.

But speaking of peace, how can I forget that I can never deserve peace. I heard some girls being awestruck, I know they were surely not expecting me under this tree but does it look like I give a damn? They started crowding near me as some were photoshooting me and some were screaming near my ears. This place which was filled with calmness and peace has now turned into a chaotic mess.

Soon, I brushed out of my thoughts when someone just splashed water on my face. I shot open my eyes as I angrily tried to find out that person. How can someone come and throw their water on me? But first things first, who has those guts to throw water on me. I was flaring and burning with anger.

The girls soon found out that I look really angry, so they moved back. I felt a tinge of calmness striving into my body. But still I'm a bit annoyed because I'm unable to find that person. I swayed my head again and there I found, the culprit of course.

"Jimin!!!" I hollered angrily as I can clearly see an empty water bottle in his hands and a naughty smirk curving on his lips. He soon made his way towards me and the girls who were frightened just awhile ago soon started making their way towards me. Some were also clinging onto Jimin like he's some kind of soft toy but I guess he's lowkey enjoying their company. I mean he's Jimin afterall.

"Why the heck you're sleeping under a tree? You know our classes are over and I already mentioned it to you that I'll not come as I'd be practicing my dance in the theatre. So, why are you still here?" He started throwing me questions in concern. I look at him as I, myself didn't know what to answer. If I'll say him the truth that I wasn't interested to go home earlier then he'd think that I'm lying. So, it's better to keep my mouth shut.

"I'm asking something or..." He paused before he starts biting his lips flirtatiously. I was shocked but I already know it's gonnabe his one of those teasing words. "Or are you also enjoying these girls' company like me?" As he spoke that, the girls' scream became louder. Arghh, it's intolerable. I can feel my ears bleeding.

"Yes, I'm enjoying their company so much that I want to marry each and every one of them." I spoke sarcastically as I rolled my eyes, totally pissed off for this day. The girls were again screaming louder due to my underrated statement.

"People should learn how to dig on their own grave from you." Jimin scoffed while I watched him in disbelief. Now, see... who's saying, the pervert saint.

"Oh c'mon, you first started it." I spoke as he didn't say anything. He just shrugged his shoulders like it's nothing for him as he made his way towards the exit. I mean he looks really tired and it's not the good time to start an argument. I also threw my bag on my shoulders as I immediately escaped that place, heading out of the university with Jimin.

"Are you alright?" I asked as we were now making our way back home. He looks at me as he just lets out a small laugh from his lips, making me bewildered for awhile.

"You know what, you'd get awarded for being the sweetest person. I mean you appear to be very cold and scary but the lucky ones like me can actually witness your lovely smile as well as those concerning eyes. Sometimes, I feel bad for those people who don't know you." He spoke while I just listened to him, not knowing what to answer. I mean he's complimenting me. So, I must be a good person. Well, I'm a good person.

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