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Hoping into my sweatshirt and a pair of joggers, I made my way towards my bed. It was kind of a hectic day and I can feel the blood rushing through my veins. I need a better sleep tonight. I shouldn't have done a lots of laundry work even though my mom was denying me not to do.

So, basically I took two hours for the laundry work. God, I didn't even get the time to study today. What a waste!

I feel myself getting annoyed. No, it's actually my fault. My mom told me to do laundry everyday. But guess what, I'm a lazy ass and didn't feel like cleaning my clothes. If today, my mom wouldn't have scolded me then I think I'd have already gotten...not a pile of clothes in my room but a mountain of clothes.

How can I be that lazy? Huh?!

I laid on the bed as I looked above to the ceiling. I know you've a doubt that why am I wearing sweatshirt and joggers to sleep. So, there're actually two reasons.

First, I don't have much dry clothes and second, this is the best comfy outfit for me, I prefer to sleep in these rather than in PJs. It doesn't mean I don't sleep in PJs but PJs isn't that best as compared to my tonight's outfit.

Fine! Now, it's better to sleep. I looked at the time to see, it's 11:30PM. I took a sigh out in frustration. I've to wake up by 5AM or else I'm gonna waste my self-study time as well.

I turned off the lights as I tossed on the bed, getting my comfortable spot. Well, good night.


I walked down inside the campus as I saw the sun shining brightly today. Nonetheless, it was a good weather. No humidity which is best. I looked around to find many students walking and gossiping with each other. Some were looking happy. I guess it's because of the weather.

Well, that was it. I looked at my front to find Jungkook and Jimin standing and talking with each other but then I saw something unexpected.

The girl named Seonmin walked near Jungkook as she immediately grabs his arm, hugging him tight. I don't know but I felt sad...well, sad in the sense...I wasn't sad but my heart's.

I tried to shrug that feeling as I made my way towards the classroom. Why the heck am I sad? I shouldn't be feeling this. He's not worth it.


I was having a nice talk with Jimin when all of a sudden, I became shocked when this girl snaked her arms with mine. Well, what in the Earth is this?

I brushed my arms from hers as I gave her a cocky side eye. To be honest, I'm really tired of these girls. Can't I've a life on my own?

"Who are you?" This was all I could ask to her while giving her a cold stare. I can see her becoming tiny infront of my stare.

"I'm from your class. How can you forget me? I'm Seonmin, the mafia's daughter." She spoke curtly. Oh, so all of a sudden, she has gotten some balls to speak. Well, that to because of her dad. I placed my arms on my waist as I looked at her, raising one of my eyebrows.

"So?" I asked. She looks at me as if she saw some kind of ghost.

"So??! You'd obey me of course. You'd be scared of me and yeah, I like you so like me back." She said while blushing a bit. Her arms were crossed as if she'd defeat me.

Oh god! Such a stupid girl.

I didn't speak anything as I walked past her. Jimin also did the same as we were now moving towards our classroom. I hate when people think that they own me. I'm not some kind of trophy for god sake and I'm really tired of these things.

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