6- A Sweet Freedom

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For the second time in what was turning out to be a very long day, Lena found herself sitting before a Knight Captain.

Irritation thrummed through her chest.

She was exhausted.

She was sore from falling off a cliff, sleeping on the ground, riding a horse, and being carried across a sea.

She was extraordinarily tired of being treated like she wasn't in the room.

"Walk me through this again, Kara," said Alex with a stern tone. "What is your plan, here? Or did you not have one at all, as is your way?"

Kara rubbed her temples and leaned forward in her seat.

"Alex, I was very focused on escaping the kryptonite dungeon that I was shoved into. Lena needed a way out – I needed a way out. I wanted to ensure that I could protect her, and that Lex Luthor wasn't setting a trap for me."

"And you're still certain that last concern isn't true?"

Lena slammed her hands into the armrests on her chair and both Kara and Alex jumped.

"That is enough."

Alex lifted an eyebrow in question and Kara frowned in confusion.

"I am right here. I can hear you," she snapped. "I am not trying to trick any of you. I do not want intelligence about your country, your people, your habits, any of it. I don't care. What I cared about was leaving Luthoria as quickly as possibly. Now that I have done that, my only goal is to stay as far away from it as possible." She rose to her feet and Kara quickly stood next to her, reaching a hand out for her.

"Princess- "

"No, no thank you." Lena put her palm up and Kara let her hand drop to her side. "I am willing to answer any questions you may have for me. Hell, I will even give you as much information as you'd like about Luthoria, Lex, training, troop movements, kryptonite weapon development, anything, if it will assuage any of your lingering fears about my so-called intentions."

Alex's eyes widened as her lips parted, and she rose slowly from her seat. Lena pressed forward, turning to face Kara.

"But might I remind you, in the interim, that I am only here at your behest. If my presence is no longer wanted, please point me in the direction of your docks and I will be on my way." She crossed her arms pointedly, leveling a glare at the blonde warrior. "Do you even have ships? Or does everyone in your kingdom simply fly everywhere?"

Alex attempted to fill her voice with a soothing tone, reaching out and pressing a palm to the dark wood of her desk. "Princess, we did not mean to make you feel unwelcome in Krypton. We would very much like it if you stayed."

Lena turned her glare towards the knight. "Why? Now that you believe I may be of use to you?"

The auburn-haired woman's mouth opened and closed, and she struggled to find words.

Kara took a step towards Lena, her voice soft and apologetic. "I asked you to stay before you offered that information. It is not important to me." Lena met her gaze, and found earnest blue eyes. "Please... I ask you to reconsider."

The brunette pursed her lips and shook her head, before dropping her arms in defeat.

"Fine. But I have traveled very far in a very short amount of time, and I would very much like to remove some of the dirt stuck to my face and perhaps even sleep for several seconds before any of that occurs. So if you don't mind?"

Kara and Alex exchanged a guilty glance, and the knight captain nodded.

"Kara, will you please return to speak with me after you escort Princess Lena to her room?"

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