21- Day Two: Charity

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Seven Days Before the Festival

"The second day is Charity."

Lena's eyes lit up, and Kara noticed her leaning forward.

"What must be done?"

A smile split Kara's face, and a small chuckle pushed its way up from her belly. It brought with it an unanticipated feeling of fondness for the raven-haired woman before her.

Of course Lena would be excited at the prospect of performing kind deeds.

"We will be visiting hospitals and clinics in Kandor, as well as an orphanage."

Surprise crossed Lena's face, and she sat back in her seat. Kara tilted her head and gave her a knowing look.

"What is it, Princess?"

Lena settled her face back to neutral once more, as if suddenly becoming aware of herself.

"I... I am simply surprised, that's all."

"Why? Surprised that we have sickness in Krypton? Or that we have orphanages that require charity?"

Lena met her eyes. "I think... I just thought that Krypton would..."

"Have better social services?" Kara propped her elbow up on the back of the couch, resting her temple on her fist. "Krypton has an economy, like any other country. It varies and fluctuates over time. We are certainly better off than many other kingdoms, and we do have quite a few plans in place to provide for our people. But, as with any nation, there will always be those who fall through the cracks. Kryptonians are not exempt or invulnerable to vices, and there are those who are dealt hard lots in life."

Red lips pursed, and Lena touched her knee gently.

"I didn't mean to imply that I think any less of your people. I apologize for any offense."

"No offense, Princess. It is simply a reality of the world. We do what we can to care for those less fortunate, and we encourage them to overcome life's obstacles and be strengthened by them. Samantha Arias is a perfect example of what can be accomplished in this manner."

"Sam is... was- "

"She was an orphan at a young age. Her father was a Daxamite, and prone to drinking. He was flying home one evening and got disoriented, and flew too high. He ran out of air and... well. He fell."

Lena cringed as Kara continued.

"Her mother... It doesn't go well when the bonded soul of your own ends before its time. Her own parents were gone and she had no siblings, so she left Sam on the steps of an orphanage and flew away. She was never heard from again."

"... wow. That must have been so hard for her."

Kara nodded, but then looked at Lena earnestly. "That is why it is so important that time and money are given to them, and that it is known that they are not alone - and that they have glorious futures awaiting them."

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