12- You Look Like The Sun

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"This is completely unacceptable."

"It's perfect."

"It's horrendous."

"You look like the sun!"

"I look like a lemon pastry!"

"That's even better!"

"I'm sorry but we will not be purchasing this today."

"We'll take three."

Lena leveled Kara with a glare, her arms crossed over her chest. She was draped in sleeveless bright yellow robes with white detailing along the edges. To Lena, it was excruciating to look at.

Anhani's eyes volleyed back and forth, her fingers reaching out delicately to interject, her soft voice getting cut off at every instance.

When it appeared the women had reached an impasse, she smiled and gently touched Kara's shoulder.

"Princess Lena's skin is... very fair. Perhaps she will be better suited to darker colors? I have this particular set of robes in a beautiful burgundy."

"No thank you, Anhani," Lena replied. "I would like to move onto something else, please." Her eyes never left the hole they were burning into Kara's face.

It would have been a good compromise, but Lena suddenly found herself not in the mood for cutting deals.

Kara glowered at her and the shorter seamstress suddenly found a reason to excuse herself to the front of the store.

Lena's eyebrow raised arrogantly, as if she was daring Kara to argue with her.

The blonde's face held an equal amount of frustration.

"You didn't need to call it horrendous."

"It is horrendous, Kara." This sent the blonde pacing about the room.

"It isn't that bad! All of the clothing you've chosen so far is – is –"

"Is what, Princess?"

"Dark!" She threw her hands up in frustration. "Don't you want to get something with color? We're supposed to be two young women in love and you look like you're in mourning!"

"I happen to like wearing dark colors, thank you. They complement my hair. And I am willing to wear color, just not this garish block of cheese!" She tugged at it, huffing angrily. "And despite how you feel, not everyone enjoys walking around dressed as food!"

Kara threw her hands in the air again. "Ugh! You're so maddening."

Lena planted her hand on one hip, her face falling into a cold mask. "Why, Princess? Am I not quite the agreeable, subservient wife you were hoping for?"

Her words immediately deflated Kara's sails. She stared at her, her lips parting, and the hurt that crossed her face almost had Lena sorry she'd said anything.

"Is that truly what you think?"

Suddenly finding herself on the edge of a cliff and unable to back down from it, Lena squared her shoulders and hitched her chin, doubling down on her bravado.

"I think that it would appear as if you are trying to control how I dress, Princess."

Kara's eyes darted around the room as if the walls were closing in on her, and she began backing out the doorway. She nearly bowled over Anhani, who was returning with the robes in burgundy, just in case.

Kara stepped aside and let her pass, and the seamstress frowned up at the distress on her face.

"Princess? Are you –"

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