Chapter III

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   The taste was sweet. So goddamn sweet and perfect it was unbelievable. Amaris couldn't think of anything besides it. This conscious pleasure, this ecstasy wasn't just enjoyable anymore. It was already becoming an addiction, an addiction he didn't know how to get off of.

   Once more, just as he had done all the other times Amaris had fed on him before, Aether pulled away from the pleasure-consumed vampire. And again, Amaris began to beg for more. This time, he broke into miserable sobs.

   "Sobbing, eh? How new. They all sob at first, dear. Soon you'll be either used to stopping, or you'll just go out and take more for yourself. But cut off the waterworks, Mari. I have some noble vampire friends of mine, and I'm sure they'd love to meet my new pet. And we can't have you looking so... dirty. You're wearing the same clothes from your turning and you're soaked in blood. Let's bathe you and get your new clothes." The vampire stood up, getting up to turn on a light switch, to which Amaris promptly hissed in pain. The light burned his eyes.

   Being called the other's "pet" wasn't really a pleasant thought, but, oh well. Amaris had nothing he could really do besides stay quiet and obey. And obeying could possibly get him more blood.. he shuddered, eager for more of that high, the dopamine rushing through his head.

   The vampire furrowed through the guest room closet, trying to find a few nice items of clothing for his "offspring" to wear. For a shirt, he eventually picked out a dark crimson red dress shirt, patterns along it and lacing around the sleeves and collar. For pants, a pair of black leggings with stitching and red, purple, and pink floral patterning along it to match the dress shirt. He also took a few accessories, an amethyst ring and white, lacey gloves for Amaris to decorate his surprisingly soft hands with.

   "Love, I have your clothes!" He slung the items over his shoulder, all except for the ring and the gloves, which he tucked into his pocket delicately. "Come now, I'll show you to the bathroom, we have a lovely bath for you to bathe in. Soap, shampoo, bubble bath if you really need it." He spoke as he led the other male to the large bathroom.

   Now, this bathroom was big. Not just big, huge. It was not as big as the master bedroom, but probably a good half of that size. The tub was big enough to fit a 7 foot tall man in it if he was laying down all the way, and Aether told him that it was designed to be able to hold over 500 pounds. A lot of money to spend on the bathroom. Not only that, but the floor was made of clean, lavender colored tiles and the whole place smelled like flowers. In fact, that seemed to be a theme in the bathroom. Rather than the dark, mysterious atmosphere of the other room, this one was light, relaxing, carefree.

   Aether gestured to a stool beside the tub. "That's where you'll put your clothes, Mari. Fold them up neatly, all right? I'll have them clean and stitched by one of my human servants in no time." He reassured.

   Amaris tilted his head. Human servants? Really? Had they volunteered to work here? Perhaps maybe they were kidnapped. But..the most likely option was actually that they had opted to work for Aether. That he offered those who provided the best service money and perhaps protection. He shook his head though, paying attention to what the other vampire was saying as it was likely pretty important.

   "There's a bar of soap and lavender scented shampoo in the tub, there's a sponge for you to use if you want that as well. Anyways, I'll leave you too it. Here's your towel." He gestured to a white towel folded neatly on a rack. "See you within about 30 minutes." he said as he left.

   "Mhm.." Amaris mumbled, taking off his clothes, folding them, although it wasn't done that well, and placing them on top of the cushion-covered wooden stool. He turned on the water, allowing the warm liquid to run over his skin. It was nice, at least he could still enjoy baths as a vampire. Amaris took a nice, yet only 15 minute long bath as he was in a rush for the other vampire.

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