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"Shhhh, Dog. We don't want to be caught. Be silent," whispered the Midnight Thief to his Dog.

He was on another midnight robbery.

 "Woof! Woof! Woof!" barked his Dog.

 The midnight thief turned to look at his dog again. "Stop barking, I said. If we make too much noise, the police will be after us," whispered the Midnight thief with a frustrated tone in his voice. To the Midnight Thief's relief, his dog stopped barking and silently followed his master.

The Midnight Thief crept near a jewellery shop and looked through the clean glass at the rings and necklaces. They gleamed and glittered in the dark shop of which they were in. He decided this was the unlucky shop, which was going to be robbed tonight.

The Midnight ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now