Chapter 1

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"Another boring day at school, Anna. I don't think I'll survive another day. Or even another hour," moaned Miranda as she and her best friend, Anna, trudged into school.

"I know. Oh my! We have to face Mrs Wedlock again!" replied Anna. Both girls moaned and grunted all the way to their Maths classroom.

"So class, today you're learning quick fire multiplication. Robert, what is ten times ten?" said Mrs Wedlock as she entered her classroom.

"One- hundred- one," said Robert, with hesitation.

"Incorrect. Mikey can you help Robert," asked Mrs Wedlock.

"Yes, I can help Robert. Ten times ten is one-hundred," said Mikey, proudly.

"Correct, Mikey. You're such a clever boy. Now who can tell me what nine times nine is? Let me see, Miranda," said Mrs Wedlock turning to Miranda. Miranda wished she hadn't been chosen. Even though she was clever, she hated speaking in front of Mrs Wedlock. "Nine times nine is eighty- one, Mrs Wedlock," replied Miranda, obediently. Soon the lesson was over and Miranda and Anna happily skipped out to recess.

"Few. One hour of Thursday, gone," said Miranda, happily.

"Yeah. But we have still got five hours left," replied Anna, disappointedly.

"Anna, why do you have to make school days sound worse," said Miranda, before her and Anna burst into hysterical laughter.

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