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"right in that moment, all that i could think of was, wow my life sucks."

"we have to get her to the ER!" a nurse called out as he rolled the patient to the doctor.

the doctor rushed over to the patient and looked at her body while the nurse gave him a clipboard.

he saw that the patients arm had a big chunk missing and it seemed to be infected. he looked at the clipboard and checked the patient.

"patients name; Y/n L/n. served as a corporal. a giant wound on her arm and is probably already infected." he read out loud. "why haven't you cleaned the wound?!" he looked over at the nurse.

"i don't know!" he continued running with the patient in the bed. "they told me to get her to the ER!"

the doctor sighed, patted the bedding and pointed in the direction of a room. "in here!" He said as he assisted with rolling her in.

when she was in the room, the nurse started to hook Y/n with needles and then proceded to turn on some machines.

the doctor inspected her arm and started taking tests. he drew blood from both of her arms and put it in long, small tubes.

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